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61. Other researchers added their skepticism, saying it would require an unusually large reinfusion of blood. 62. Here's also the "we've heard this for so long" about business readable/writeable programs which likely produces some skepticism. 63. An audit requires due professional care, which in turn requires that the auditor exercise professional skepticism. 64. Skepticism means not intellectual Doubt alone, but moral Doubt; all sorts of infidelity, insincerity, spiritual paralysis. 65. The bottom line of such an approach is not merely ignorance and skepticism, but the ultimate dehumanization of persons. 66. In the 1870s, the skepticism stopped as several carcasses were beached in Labrador and Newfoundland. 67. Following his principle of skepticism, the fictionist strives to bring into view a map of existence that can only be revealed by fictional narrative. 68. Descartes puts forwards the method of general doubt to counteract the fideism in scholasticism and skepticism. 69. In contradistinction to mere skepticism, however, philosophy does not remain content with the purely negative result of Dialectic. 70. Industry pundits are looking with most interest -- and some skepticism -- at the firm's on-again, off-again flirtation with mobile phones. Dell declined to comment. 71. Skepticism has kept me from believing in true love — one that is pure and enduring. 72. But the Norwegian Nobel committee announcement Friday brought ample doses of befuddlement and skepticism among officials used to years of hard work to end conflict . 73. Qui-Gon Jinn 's report of a Sith attack on Tatooine was met by the Jedi Council with hesitation and skepticism. 74. Not devoid of sympathy, the policeman's face also expressed a fatigued skepticism. 75. A wise skepticism is the first attribute of a good critic ( James Russell Lowell ). 76. So far there is skepticism that the Fed can go much beyond jawboning to clamp down on rising inflation at a time when growth is still bumping along at or near recessionary levels. 77. More leverage, whether through conventional debt or unbooked and indexed "pension debt", should be viewed with skepticism by shareholders. 78. "And the polls differ on how questions are asked, but certainly all the polls have moved to much more skepticism about the cost and about worries about the government role, " he said. 79. Yet the objections raised by skepticism against the conclusiveness of apriori categories and apriori reasoning do not apply to it. 80. Skepticism may be regarded as a sum-up of Greek philosophy, a negative sum-up. 81. The claim was met with skepticism, with one outside physicist calling it the equivalent of saying you have a flying carpet. 82. It causes all skepticism about downsizing to be taboo, and both people and companies suffer. 83. "There seemed to be skepticism regarding whether Obama's intellectual background actually translated into policies that the mostly left-leaning audience could get behind, " Mr. Hartman said. 84. Micheal seems to perpetuate the confusion between Pyrrhonism and Skepticism. 85. Given my propensity for skepticism when it comes to most of the paranormal piffle proffered by the prajna peddlers meditating and soaking their way to nirvana here, I was surprised the hall was full. 86. The positivistic attitude, he points out, is as a general rule associated with ethical skepticism. 87. So the psychological lure of egoism as a theory of human action is partly explained by a certain humility or skepticism people have about their own or others' motives. 88. Article 7 Certified Public Accountants should have professional skepticism and be able to use professional judgment to assess the sufficiency and appropriateness of audit evidence. 89. Prosecutors cleared Lee Myung - bak of wrongdoing - but his rival still hopes to seizeseeon popular skepticism about frontrunner. 90. Reasonable skepticism and due care are important concepts which auditors always use in the practice.