emotion造句151. The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it.Nicholas Sparks
152. To be without emotion is to be unfeeling, to have no contact with the human condition.
153. He was stripping her, forcing every secret emotion into the blaze of light.
154. He or she is doing a certain thing and we interpret it in a certain way which elicits a given emotion.
155. Indeed, the sea can be a dull subject when not seen as the setting for human activity and emotion.
156. I felt a new emotion in an arena once ruled by fear: trust.
157. Ludens had sounded so moved, so stirred by some emotion.
158. As the verdicts were read, Simpson showed no obvious emotion.
159. Love-passion-is an emotion that keeps all entrepreneurs going. Great determination only occurs when there is great passion.
160. In such a case, pain and emotion can eventually be contacted, after which therapy is more beneficial.
161. Tallis was raised up and five faces stared at her, some smiling, some too dead to show emotion.
162. In total, this Buber relationship is the adding of the ingredient of emotion into all human relationships.
163. Real love is a positive emotion and is truly unselfish.
164. Phil Gramm ended his presidential bid Wednesday in much the same way he campaigned: short on emotion and long on economics.
165. Barbara has always known what emotion it is appropriate for her to feel.
166. It was, she decided, much sweeter than love: a sensation for the connoisseur of emotion.
167. Whites, miles from any danger, panicked during the riots and don't want to experience that unpleasing emotion again.
168. use emotion for the many, and reserve reason for the few.Adolf Hitler
169. And there is no doubt that some of these animals live lives of great awareness, and of emotion, too.
170. As soon as we fully experience an emotion, it changes.
171. It would relieve us of the burden of suppressed emotion.
172. He listens carefully and reasons politely, without emotion[/emotion.html], in evaluating objectively their argument.
173. Keaton and DiCaprio manage to bring several levels of emotion to their characters, but everyone else is a cardboard cutout.
174. Emotions didn't come as easy to this man who stirred so much emotion in other people.
175. The language of psychoanalysis does provide a means for communicating about conscious and unconscious emotion in such circumstances.
176. The spasm of hope and fear passed instantly, as cold logic replaced emotion.
177. They are caught in this place of denial and unrealized emotion and desire.
178. Sir Bryan received his clubs with the emotion of a lover reunited with his long-absent mistress.
179. Shame is the most powerful, master emotion. It's the fear that we're not good enough.Brene Brown
180. Envy was a civilised emotion, attendant upon some degree of security and the possession of things strictly unnecessary to survival.