ridiculous造句91 It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.Marilyn Monroe
92 I couldn't do anything so ridiculous as streaking cold-blooded!
93 These proposals are ridiculous beyond belief.
94 The anti-smoking laws seem ridiculous to me.
95 It seemed ridiculous that anyone could not clean a carburettor.
96 That is the crucial point about this amazing monarchy, with its ridiculous assumptions about itself.
97 The problem is that the people with the most ridiculous ideas are always the people who are most certain of them.Bill Maher
98 Besides, nowadays, almost all capable people are terribly afraid of being ridiculous, and are miserable because of it.Fyodor Dostoyevsky
99 In the cold light of day it all seemed so ridiculous.
100 The black cap D'Souza was wearing, for example, was ridiculous.
101 However his ringing peroration struck most of those present as being ridiculous, and many laughed aloud.
102 If the Government accepts this ridiculous advice, half of us will be put on the dole.
103 He read it out loud to his colleagues, quite sarcastically, expecting them to agree that it was ridiculous.
104 They are also slightly ridiculous and can turn anger and tears to laughter very quickly.
105 She felt faintly ridiculous.
106 Who did he think he was anyway, with his ridiculous conjuring tricks for beginners?
107 Four 109s came in on the left flank, firing from such a ridiculous range that Patterson knew the pilots were inexperienced.
108 And like its counterparts within the high-performance loop, a program of inclusiveness can be insincerely embraced or carried to ridiculous lengths.
109 If you intend to change gauges and/or tunings regularly, try to avoid ridiculous extremes.
110 There is a ridiculous nature-boy sentimentalism that with increasing force is taking over.
111 Just as the pause edges towards the ridiculous he reaches into his jacket for this packet of cheroots.
112 Louis two weeks ago, the Raiders have lost games in both dramatic and ridiculous fashion.
113 Voluminous diplomatic correspondence, in a serious but ridiculous vein, followed this episode.
114 Jane was cheered by his sagacity and quick eye for the ridiculous - a welcome change from pompous people like the Pyglings.
115 You know, publicity is sort of ridiculous in its blatant, egotistical nature.
116 My slight personal acquaintance with the subject of all this discouraging impersonal solemnity seemed slightly ridiculous.
117 Fans turned up to gigs in ridiculous anoraks, sold fanzines with names like Frothy Pop and pretended they were carefree 18-year-olds.
118 This should have been plainly ridiculous to the Elizabethan audience.
119 This, she thought with a sheepish giggle to herself, was ridiculous.
120 If only he would drop all this ridiculous pretence, stop acting the fool and raise his game one more time.