快好知 kuaihz

61. I don't know how he can afford a new car on his salary. 62. I cannot afford to leave the land lying idle . 63. The birds cannot afford to relax their vigilance against predators. 64. So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it. 65. Her family were so poor they couldn't afford to buy her new clothes. 66. With a dependent wife and children, he can't afford to lose his job. 66.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 67. We aren't going for the simple reason that we can't afford it. 68. Jill said she couldn't afford new clothes, yet in the same breath described the new outfit she'd just bought. 69. Few people are able to afford cars like that. 70. I just cannot afford to keep myself. 71. Precious few people can afford those prices. 72. He can comfortably afford the extra expense. 73. I can't afford it-that's the whole point. 74. I can't afford designer labels/designer label clothes. 75. We cannot afford another slip-up like this one. 76. We could only afford seats up in the gallery. 77. No country can afford to neglect education. 78. I can't afford to spend any more on food. 79. I wish that I could afford a new car. 80. He couldn't afford the rent by himself. 81. How on earth can she afford that? 82. I can't afford a ticket. I'm spent up. 83. We can't afford any unnecessary delays. 84. She couldn't always afford a babysitter. 85. To put it bluntly, I can't afford it. 86. Can we afford a trip to America this month? 87. We cannot afford any more delays. 88. Only the privileged few can afford private education. 89. We cannot afford to be complacent about our health. 90. They could ill afford to lose any more staff.