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61. Crossing the channel to nineteenth-century Paris, Shteir tracks the rise of the department store and the pathologizing of shoplifting as kleptomania. 62. You can't keep on shoplifting; as sure as fate you'll be caught one day. 63. I did the whole obligatory juvenile delinquent shoplifting thing, but I never got caught and so never "learned my lesson." 64. If he gets caught for shoplifting, he may fare a punishment. 65. Paper and blister secure costly tube To thwart shoplifting of a small but expensive tube of over-the-counter medicine, a pharmaceutical company has turned to a paper-and-blister combination package. 66. Fred was caught shoplifting and wound up behind bars for three days. 67. After three convictions for shoplifting, Martha has finally decided to go straight. 68. The millionaire who was caught shoplifting was found to be suffering from kleptomania. 69. Nothing's what It'seems. We must make a stand together against shoplifting. 70. S. stores suggests that inventory losses due to shoplifting, employee theft, paperwork errors and supplier fraud could be worsening. 71. In 1960s America, shoplifting becomes a symbol of resistance when the publication of Abbie Hoffman's Steal This Book popularizes shoplifting as an antiestablishment act. 72. LONDON, Nov. 11 (UPI) -- A consulting group concludes Britain has the worst shoplifting problem of any European nation. 73. Shoplifting Exclusion Clause –This policy would not cover any shoplift loss unless forcible mark have been left or the case has been recorded by CCTV . 73.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 74. I felt so small when I saw my boy - friend was caught shoplifting. 75. Nobody is better placed to benefit from shoplifting than the shop assistants.