快好知 kuaihz

(1) His eyes were focussed straight ahead. (2) She turned the camera and focussed on Martin's face. (3) All eyes focussed on her. (4) Their energies were focussed on the alleviation of the refugees' misery. (5) I've got to stay focussed if I want to win this competition. (6) It was focussed on a long-stay population. (7) All of our attention was focussed on the boy. (8) They were focussed greeny-yellow eyes, like lumps of soapstone. (9) The Programme is focussed on world mineral resources, production, trade and use. (10) More exposure together with more focussed teaching and learning would help the situation. (11) Prehistoric archaeologists the world over have increasingly focussed attention on the ecological and economic aspects of life in antiquity. (12) This change has focussed attention on the effectiveness of organisations in the member states. (13) The team was well prepared and focussed on the issues. (14) Discussions focussed on education, training and the role of participatory radio in the process of social change. (15) Our attention should be focussed on the direction of movement and the relative change. (16) Delaney focussed in on the waves piling up tightly one behind the other, like a huge wall in the foreshortened view. (17) The report focussed particularly on universities which were constructed at a time when long-lasting buildings were not a priority. (18) It was upon them that the legal profession focussed in the early 1970s in an attempt to improve its tarnished public image. (19) Further attention will be focussed upon general physical and nutritional health as well as On emotional and spiritual recovery. (20) Much of the existing research has focussed on the internal adaptations of the firm to the introduction of new technology. (21) It was only later you focussed on yourself enough to cry for the little comfort flesh can offer. (22) The party attempted to assemble its aims into a focussed political project. (23) Similarly, segments are used as targets upon which an appropriate promotional mix may be focussed. (24) Gradually the haze and sweat cleared from their eyes and they focussed over the open valley they had cycled up from. (25) Leading on from this, the next stage involves highly focussed listening. (26) He had clearly worked hard, but not perhaps in a focussed way. (27) Furious with myself for these creeping insidious thoughts I focussed on lengthening my stride and levitating the rucksack. (28) Towards the end of the 1980s attention was being focussed on some interesting developments in wagon design. (29) So central is this standard that each layer will be the subject of focussed study. (30) How many items were there that centred on curriculum content and administration matters and how many focussed on individuals?