feline造句1) The 14lb feline is so fat she can hardly walk.
2) She had pretty, almost feline features.
3) She walks with feline grace.
4) Our house feline has taught you two valuable lessons.
5) His dissertation on feline neural disorders would waIt.
6) She moves with feline grace.
7) C., is one smart, scrappy feline.
8) A feline grin spread over his face.
9) Feline pregnancy lasts nine weeks, and the additional heats usually occur after three or six weeks.
10) Feline leukaemia is caused by a specific virus, for which a vaccine is available.
11) An owner's anger at some feline misdeed usually involves harsh tones and fixed staring.
12) One of the greatest hazards for today's free-roaming feline is the use of rodent poisons.
13) A spitting, scratching, panic-stricken wild feline would have been the last kind of boat-companion they would have wanted.
14) He kept silent, a feline grin spreading across his face.
15) The bird on the tree to peck feline wool.
16) The awakening was almost feline in its stealthiness.
17) Time has feline, a Huashan Media.
18) Feline cat wants red cap of Mao Mao.
19) I hear the thump of the cat flap as Cat O'Fun tumbles through it without the feline grace of his fellows.
20) Have any other readers found this plant sends their feline friend into a frenzy?
21) She heard the prebendary's cat from next door weeping in feline fright.
22) It is vital for temperature control, for cleanliness, for waterproofing and for controlling the scent-signalling of the feline body.
23) With their many variants and subdivisions they provide a wonderfully expressive earful for the alert feline as it goes about its business.
24) He observed naughtily, subtly, wittily, passively, on occasion with a feline caress.
25) And there would be a great sadness if it vanished, because it has become part of feline history.
26) She held her head proudly and, even before she moved, conveyed a feline quality of grace and languor.
27) It is hard, at first, to make any sense out of the reports that exist in the feline literature.
28) Since competitive cat shows began,[http:///feline.html] there has been a third selection pressure operating on feline coat colours - that of purification.
29) Yet we are always doing this, because we so like to enjoy contemplating the beauty of our feline companions.
30) How much trouble are we prepared to go to for the privilege of sharing our lives with feline companions?