快好知 kuaihz

1. This minor glitch has turned into a humungous problem for the airline. 2. The computer failure was due to a glitch caused by lightning. 3. When told of the results, Kline identified the glitch. 4. Company records were lost due to a computer glitch. 5. Some suspect a glitch in the auto-immune system. 6. It was about the only glitch Cronkite suffered in his long and extraordinarily successful news anchoring career. 7. Each must get on the air without a glitch if possible. 8. The chaotic potential of the Year 2000 computer glitch was licked. 9. A glitch in the customer-service software left customers unable to get through to help lines. 10. A glitch in the system shut down telephone service to nearly 6 million customers. 11. For state and local governments, circumventing the glitch could cost more than $ 100 million, according to official estimates. 12. There was a glitch in the process with the leadership. 13. Here we describe the largest glitch so far recorded in the Crab pulsar. 14. The drawing suggests a temporary problem or glitch which has threatened the mission. 15. This glitch would prove but the tip of the iceberg. 16. Fixed another very rare respawn glitch. 17. Fixed a terrain glitch near the Scourge Secret Shop. 18. Buttons, zippers should be glitch free and sharp edge. 19. There is a glitch in the computer program somewhere. 20. However, Cahoot claimed that the security glitch had not made it possible for people to take money out of other people's accounts. 21. In that case, one could argue that this glitch in our patter - recognition system is helpful. 22. There is also a glitch that allows the Southern Hospitality to be used in conjunction with The Gunslinger. The Gunslinger is not usable and not visible in world view. 23. Betty: It's on the fritz. I'm not sure what the problem is—some kind of electronic 3)glitch, I suppose. 24. NASA officials found a way to work around the technical glitch on the Galileo spacecraft. 25. The amplitudes and time constants of these components of the glitch are given in Table 1. 26. It immediately appraises dynamic target which are difference linear, catch time and glitch of DAC. 27. However, also consider amplifier noise, input bias current, offset voltage, MDAC resolution, and glitch energy./glitch.html 28. Nico Roberg also crashed, after his engine cut out due to an electronics glitch. 29. The results indicate that Gray code counter counts accurately in the case of high clock frequency and obviously eliminates the emergence of glitch. 30. I cannot work out the marketing schedule today because the computer program has a glitch.