undoubtedly造句61. The struggle to survive has undoubtedly been higher up the agenda of some firms than preparing for the reforms.
62. In summary, then, animals undoubtedly can modify their behaviour as a consequence of their experiences.
63. His success in the fraudulent libel action against the Star newspaper undoubtedly frightened off a lot of the media.
64. He is undoubtedly the biggest chatterbox among the Cowboys and Steelers.
65. Undoubtedly the most beneficial skills brought to the farm were engineering and building skills.
66. There are undoubtedly higher mountains to climb,[http:///undoubtedly.html] but something tells me underneath that Beatle wig lies a trace of genius.
67. Mr Scott added that all the media attention since May had undoubtedly damaged the good image of the club.
68. Undoubtedly, public acceptance of the physically handicapped will be easier to achieve.
69. Like the beta-blocking drugs which came into clinical use later, their effects were not predicted but were undoubtedly useful.
70. Undoubtedly she thought of the window they stood at as a magic casement.
71. The possibility of introducing anti-oncogenes into those with a predisposition to colon cancer is undoubtedly one of the most exciting prospects.
72. Kay Kirkham, the Liberal Democray candidate, believes the Government's economic record will undoubtedly cost them the seat.
73. In atonal music, the harmonic relationships may be very complex indeed, yet they are undoubtedly there.
74. Undoubtedly to the disappointment of the leakers, Inman came through the whole affair like a breath of fresh air.
75. It is possible, though, to make too much of this undoubtedly awkward fact.
76. Intuitive judgements of the kind listed above are undoubtedly more informative than gross judgements of abnormality.
77. New Zealand Story undoubtedly holds its own on the Master System - it's extremely playable and very amusing.
78. Pirenne was undoubtedly right in making Mahomet the creator of medieval Western Christendom.
79. He undoubtedly made a major contribution, not only to the profession of chemical engineering but to technology and technological education generally.
80. Undoubtedly you will receive a visit from the hospital chaplain.
81. July 1944, failed although he was injured and undoubtedly badly shaken.
82. Pembroke Castle Undoubtedly one of the greatest castles in Britain.
83. Undoubtedly, philosophers are in the right when they tell us that nothing is great or little otherwise than by comparison.Jonathan Swift
84. The worst aspect of Hinduism is undoubtedly the caste system, which kept the population cooped up in so many separate compartments.
85. A quick check showed that some one had undoubtedly searched through her belongings.
86. Terry offered a bike to his son if only he would use the good brain he undoubtedly possessed.
87. This represents a very substantial penalty and will undoubtedly make other owners and builders much more cautious over alterations.
88. He is undoubtedly the pride of China.
89. She undoubtedly met Captain Waite at sea.
90. Undoubtedly, Eternal Tango by Catullus Group Tango of Argentina was the most splendid diamond among the whole performance gala. It was magnificent, elegant, passionate and particular!