correspond造句61. The equatorial and polar radii have been measured by various means and correspond to some level above the cloud tops.
62. This means that the forces of production in a hunting economy will correspond with a particular set of social relationships.
63. These may correspond to a period of high lake levels found elsewhere in the rift.
64. An assembler instruction will correspond to a frequently performed operation and represents many machine code instructions.
65. Those corkscrews that are tightly wound correspond to large momenta, and those that wind hardly at all give very small momenta.
66. This Massiliot sphere of influence happens to correspond to those areas where the greatest concentration of Black Virgins is to be found.
67. Between you, two sets of speculations unfurl, speculations that correspond to gender-specific concerns.
68. Our own arm bones correspond roughly to the bird wing bones.
69. Here he outlines a division into four main types that correspond to those of Longobardi as supplemented by Sainte-Marie.
70. By far the largest number of configurations correspond to emission with a spectrum that is nearly thermal.
71. But this can not be taken as carteblanche for assuming that long-term recorded crime trends correspond to victimization.
72. Apart from the addition of variables derived from the two new questions, the other tables do not exactly correspond.
73. And then there are cases which do not seem to correspond with any of the given meanings.
74. Ironically, of course, these atavistic impulses no longer correspond to reality.
75. The negative values correspond to the spin pointing mainly in the opposite direction to that being measured.
76. The underlined amino acids correspond to the changes introduced into Fos-Core.
77. As in medieval allegory, multiple layers of meaning correspond to the novel's multiple languages.
78. Finally, I have adjusted the numbers to correspond to 1978 prices and incomes.
79. The first aspect of the accrual concept states that revenue earned does not necessarily correspond to the receipt of cash.
80. Equally important, it does not correspond to the facts of the modern world.
81. Paraphrase and summary of the arguments of other texts correspond to indirect speech.
82. Constructive and destructive waves correspond closely with two of the main types of breaker recognised today, namely spilling and plunging breakers.
83. The building was elegantly furnished with paintings, pictures, drawings, mirrors, and with other things to correspond.
84. In elements with multiple electron orbits, the smallest orbits correspond with the lowest energy and these fill up first.
85. With the eight-hour illumination period this will correspond to about a one-day average.
86. His own domestic situation did not correspond very closely to his ideal of a loving, equal partnership.
87. The dark markings correspond to regions in the clouds which scatter less solar uv radiation than elsewhere.
88. The fact that the goods are of defective quality is usually irrelevant in deciding whether they correspond with their description.
89. The contents of the racist pathology and the material circumstances to which it can be made to correspond are thus left untouched.
90. I'm a 21-year old Kenyan student who wishes to correspond with students from Britain or the US.