pallor造句31. A pallor came over his face.
32. My face had a greenish pallor.
33. Sister Simplice was white, with a waxen pallor.
34. A pallor began to steal over his features.
35. A sudden pallor overspread the detective's face.
36. Grrandet was scared by the pallor of his wife's usually dark , sallow face.
37. The smooth pallor of her unwrinkled skin looked more fearfully white than ever.
38. Marked pallor occurs in complete optic atrophy, when there is blindness or severe visual impairment.
39. The signs of the ordinary faint are marked facial pallor and moist cold skin.
40. Pallor suggested a marked reduction in the flow of blood in shock.
41. There were no hurried words, no pallor, no plain agitation.
42. Midday sunglow casts an eerie pallor over snow-blanketed Barrow, the northern-most town in Alaska.
43. As it seemed to me, the refined beauty and the etiolated pallor followed naturally enough.
44. Maybe I will lose this waxy British pallor once and for all.
45. The girl's lean and pallor legs look brighter in the sight.
46. A young soldier, with a face of deathly pallor, still stood facing the pit on the spot upon which he had shot, his shako falling backwards off his head, and his fuse dropping on to the ground.
47. On examination the patient was small and of ectomorphic habitus: pallor was evident, but there was no cyanosis.
48. The non-drug reaction were mainly hypogastralgia, pallor, sweating, blood pressure decrease, speeding up of heart-beat, dizziness, blur version, nausea, vomiting and other Symptoms.
49. I looked back at Tom's face and saw pallor sweeping into it.
50. Rigor mortis, pallor, rot - these too can be sources of exquisite sensation.
51. Clouds darken with darkness of rain, Streams pale with pallor of mist .
51.try its best to collect and build good sentences.
52. A pallor overspread the young man's forehead, and he looked around him with anxiety.
53. Needles are not retained for long time. During the treatment, if there appear some prodromal symptoms such as pallor, sweating or dizziness, management should be taken promptly.
54. The angulus oris laughing at is bringing the barefaced pallor along.
55. Themain lesions of peripheral airways revealed by the examination were reddening, pigmentation, secretion, engorgement of blood vessels, mucosal pallor and edema.
56. Mr. Rochester's extreme pallor had disappeared, and he looked once more firm and stern.
57. Balaenoptera musculus is a pale whale, and when seen through the blue filter of the ocean, its pallor goes turquoise or aquamarine.