快好知 kuaihz

1. The valiant never tastes of death but once. 2. Every dog is valiant at his won door. 3. Every dog is valiant at his own door. 4. A cock is valiant on his own dunghill. 5. A valiant man’s look is more than a coward’s sword. 6. She made a valiant attempt to laugh. 7. Despite valiant efforts by the finance minister, inflation rose to 36%. 8. They talked modestly of their valiant efforts to keep the tanker afloat. 9. She made a valiant attempt not to laugh. 10. He mourned for his valiant men. 11. The company has made a valiant effort/attempt in the last two years to make itself more efficient. 12. Despite their valiant efforts,[http://] they were unable to save the child's life. 13. The prince: Handsome and valiant, like all princes. 14. The 20-page text makes a valiant attempt to comprehend wildfowl biology. 15. However, valiant attempts were made to conduct massive trials in which as much information as possible could be included. 16. Despite valiant efforts by our physiotherapists, my hamstring did not recover in time for the 200 metres. 17. Khalid Ibn al-Walid, one of the most valiant of the great men, led the attack. 18. But he had ridden up on a valiant steed with all the trappings of chivalrous knighthood. 19. Phil Minion has turned his 1969 Plymouth Valiant into a Pigtown rowhouse on wheels. 20. The Forestry Commission are making valiant efforts to re-create these old woodlands, and are trying to preserve the little that remains. 21. Even Sam Smith's valiant attempts to reduce the deficit came to nothing. 22. A coward considers difficulties as a heavy burden on his back,but a valiant fighter turns difficulties into a stepping-stone for his advance. 23. Tarr threw himself in front of a train in a valiant effort to save the child. 24. Chops, our de facto Kiwi skipper and engineer, makes another valiant attempt to get it going with the starter cord. 25. He had no ear for differences, no time for the opposing view, valiant in his deafness to contradiction. 26. And a certain kind of heroism, a tone of valiant despair, colors the choreography. 27. A great deal of bomb debris still remains to be cleared, but valiant efforts have been made to remove refuse. 28. Seek professional advice if needs be, rather than make a valiant attempt yourself and then regret it. 29. We do not therefore believe the draft guidance, despite valiant efforts to convince, has fully embraced the concept of sustainability. 30. No outcome seems too impossible or, at least, unworthy of valiant effort.