快好知 kuaihz

1. Her latest film is classified/rated PG. 2. These can be classified under five headings. 3. In law, beer is classified as a food product. 4. All rural settlements were classified according to their size. 5. Patients are classified into three categories. 6. The classified advertisements are on page 25. 7. The books in the library are classified by/according to subject. 8. One movie is classified as pure art, the other as entertainment. 9. In the library new books have to be classified before they are put on shelves for reader's use. 10. The books in the library are classified according to subject. 11. Families are classified according to the father's occupation. 12. Thousands of classified documents have now been declassified. 13. This information has been classified top secret. 14. She glanced her eye down the classified advertisements. 15. The coroner immediately classified his death as a suicide. 16. These documents contain classified material. 17. The military gave classified information to them. 18. He glanced his eyes down the classified advertisements. 19. Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major. 20. His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of Navy security regulations. 21. She never participated in obtaining or copying any classified documents for anyone. 22. This information is classified; only a few top officials can see it. 23. Plants are classified in much the same way as animals. 24. Families are classified by the occupation of the head of the household . 25. These have been classified into two main types. 26. The classified columns never stopped growing. 27. We classified our patients in three groups. 28. At least one British officer was feeding him with classified information. 29. He has a security clearance that allows him access to classified information. 30. The spy returned to deliver a second batch of classified documents.