快好知 kuaihz

151. The scaled-down replica, built by marine enthusiast Stan Fraser, will open up as part of a maritime museum and cafe in time for next April, which will mark the 100th anniversary of the tragedy. 152. W : Then you take stewed prunes, plain omelet, toast with butter and cafe au lait. 153. On second thought, I'll bet it's that photographer they been talkin'about at the cafe. " 154. Bean's Cafe, the soup kitchen in Anchorage, feeds hundreds of hungry Alaskans every day. 155. Then stop at a sidewalk cafe for a chocolate-filled croissant and a cafe au lait . 156. The best story - teller is old Deaf Cis , sitting next to the stove in the cafe. 157. BLACKSBURG, Va. - A hearing has been rescheduled for a Virginia Tech doctoral student accused of killing a fellow student in a campus cafe. 158. The Cafe Lemblin stood up for the Emperor, against the Cafe Valois, which upheld the Bourbons. 159. Be like general lovers, we bubble net cafe, leap Di, by the side of the river stroll, easy amusedly chat. The happiness get to be like two small bird. 160. Delicious potted shrimps and prawns were once the stock-in-trade of the harbourside cafe. 161. According to the wire-feeding process, CaFe cored wire was inserted into the ladle in order to lower the content of sulfur in the melt much more, and get the qualified steel casting with low sulfur. 162. He told me the story in a cafe in the Socco Chico , which is the " thieves' kitchen" of Tangier. 163. A TOP-secret script for the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie was found in a greasy spoon cafe after movie chiefs stopped for a fry-up. 164. Wang Bing ( WB ) and Carl areshavingslunch in a cafe in Los Angeles. 165. The cafe was almost empty besides the tinny music played from the telescreens.