快好知 kuaihz

61. He has already embarked on his new dictionary. 62. I couldn't find the word in the dictionary. 63. They are publishing the dictionary on CD-ROM. 64. He restored the dictionary to the shelf. 65. Have you looked in the dictionary? 66. The new edition of the dictionary has considerably improved. 67. The dictionary has gone through ten editions. 68. This dictionary is a best seller. 69. A dictionary explains words and an encyclopedia explains facts. 70. This dictionary is set in Press Roman. 71. She often had recourse to her dictionary. 72. This big fat dictionary would make a good doorstop. 73. The electronic dictionary included some animations. 74. This dictionary gives phonetic transcriptions of all headwords. 75. This word is not given in the dictionary. 76. Can you suggest a good dictionary? 77. My old dictionary is falling to pieces. 78. What has become of my dictionary? 79. The spelling dictionary is a vade-mecum for all secretaries. 80. You could always use a dictionary. 81. Some words are really too esoteric for this dictionary. 82. This dictionary should be your bible when studying English. 83. Look at the dictionary entry for "welcome". 84. I looked it up in the dictionary. 85. Compiling a dictionary costs much time and patience. 86. This dictionary does not give etymologies. 87. This dictionary is designed for advanced learners of English. 88. The dictionary is in the study. 89. Each entry in this dictionary has a grammar code. 90. I have got the revision of his dictionary.