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31. Try this trick, though: Using a pencil eraser or similar object held at arm's length, gauge the size of the moon when it's near the horizon and again later when it's higher up and seems smaller. 32. Have you seen the chalk and the blackboard eraser ? 33. Toothpick, Rubber Band , Band Aid, Pencil, Eraser, Chewing Gum, Mint. 34. In order to facilitate later, he had fixed on the rubber with a pencil on the metal , so with the birth of a pencil eraser. 35. The student dared not answer. So he intented to wipe by himself, but not find the blackboard eraser . The teacher shouted again: Where is white board? 36. Use the Eraser tool to take out any unwanted lines. 37. We want to buy Pencil Case, Coin Bank, Tin Case, Bucket, Eraser, Pen Holder, Ruler, Tin Stationery. 38. Air eraser Miniature sand-blasting hand appliance, using compressed air and pumice for removing superfluous lithographic images from the plate. 39. A ferrule and eraser are crimped into place on each pencil. 40. Contrast this with today's satellites, which carry their 'brains' onboard and can communicate to dishes the size of a pencil eraser . 41. The eraser is something that can erase the information indicating which path each particle has followed, thereby restoring the indistinguishability of the alternatives and restoring interference. 42. Professional and business eraser eraser manufacturing lines, stationery and professional Formula Die! 43. He puts his pen, ruler and eraser into his backpack. 44. The eraser goes from one student to another first one way, another. 45. I have a pencil eraser, pen, pencil case have a dictionary. 46. Brush glass with clean blackboard eraser, already clean and bright quick save effort. 47. Donna : She really liked it. So can I borrow your eraser ? 48. She is four years old with big blue eyes,[www.] little pink nose and clean pink paws like rubber eraser . 49. Want eliminate to stay in the trace of the heelpiece on the floor, using pencil eraser to brush is best method. 50. He was a great proponent of simplicity, saying once, "An architect's most useful tools are an eraser at the drafting board and a wrecking bar at the site." 51. Now the other students open their eyes, and guess who has eraser. 52. With the Eraser Tool (E), give the eye a better look by erasing the black border a little bit. 53. Please repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler, a coin, a pencil and a rubber eraser. 54. Repeat the experiment using a wooden ruler, a metal spoon, a coin, a tin lid, a pencil and a rubber eraser. 55. What's the matter with you? I can't find my pencil and eraser. 56. Sometimes kept shaking table, sometimes intentionally or pencil eraser away to my presence. 57. The pencil case contains pencils, a pencil sharpener and an eraser. 58. The scaly-eyed gecko (Lepidoblepharis buchwaldi)—also a new species—can perch comfortably atop a pencil eraser, even as an adult. 59. I want to buy an eraser in that stationery shop. 60. I was once taking part in a contest but I did not have a ruber eraser. The person next to me , wh...