precious造句61, She spent precious time looking for a telephone.
62, The gold crown was encrusted with precious gems.
63, Precious few people can afford prices like that.
64, I had precious little time for reading.
65, He did precious little to help.
66, Marble is a precious stone.
67, Silver, gold and platinum are precious metals.
68, What did you say, precious?
69, These are precious jewels beyond compare.
70, The dealer was slaveringover some precious stones.
71, The kids gave me that ornament. Isn't it precious?
72, A precious lot of good that will do!
72, Wish you will loveand make progress everyday!
73, She has precious little to be cheerful about.
74, Her family's support is particularly precious to Josie.
75, We must turn this precious plot to good account.
76, A lot of people will start, but precious few will finish.
77, Three days after the birth, Paul and Sandra took their precious bundle of joy home.
78, You're wasting precious time!
79, Too many extracurricular activities take up too much of our precious time for study.
80, He allowed me to waste those two precious years in loafing about at home.
81, You don't care about anything but yourself and your precious face.
82, What I'd give to be a fly on the wall when Davis finds out what's happened to his precious cargo.
83, Most of us have never considered the humble potato as a precious gift from nature.
84, Don't you hate the precious way she speaks, pronouncing each single consonant so precisely.
85, The crown, decorated with diamonds and other precious stones, was exhibited in a special case.
86, They are the most precious cultural legacy our forefathers left.
87, Precious few homebuyers will notice any reduction in their monthly repayments.
88, He's so precious about his work that he never gets anything done.
89, Clean water is a precious commodity in that part of the world.
90, In a society where water was precious, it had to be shared fairly between individuals.