快好知 kuaihz

31. Why settle for mediocre goals when you could achieve something really wonderful? Believe in yourself! 32. The young concert pianist had spent fewer hours reaching concert standard than he had spent achieving a mediocre amateur level. 33. They would have to replace them for medical technicians, both dehumanized and mediocre with a superficial glaze of competence. 34. Nothing very average or run-of-the-mill or mediocre about that, now is there? 35. Tourists crowd the gift shops to buy mediocre products at high prices. 36. Indeed all sections of the exhibition struck me as exciting and thought-provoking with the exception of the ceramics section which is mediocre. 37. Nor, conversely, does it aspire to art-pop status, because its aim is to be truthful to its mediocre soul. 38. Food on some all-inclusive packages can, to put it bluntly, be mediocre. 39. They have replaced a great Prime Minister with a mediocre one. 40. Despite predictions for a mediocre 1995, last year turned out to be the third best on record for many bond holders. 41. By age thirty, $ 500, 000-and that sum had the taint of the mediocre. 42. Given the trees, wide sidewalks filled with pedestrians and the Muni vehicles, the view is poor to mediocre. 43. If you build a water plant in a desert using mediocre technology, you're a superstar. 44. Coffin was almost glad to taste that the coffee was as mediocre as always. 45. The team is hoping to start winning again after last year's mediocre performance. 46. Repeated calls for Mr Mubarak to change his long-serving and mediocre cast of ministers have so far been ignored. 47. But if you stash 90 % of your money in a savings account,[http://] your overall results will almost inevitably be mediocre. 48. Seven years of mutually mediocre diplomacy and unsteady leadership form the backdrop of Clinton's brief twilight encounter with Putin. 49. The committee was timid and mediocre and irresolute. 50. He is a mediocre and incompetent person. 51. Most universities are disgracefully old - fashioned and introverted , run by self - interested bureaucracies, mediocre to their roots. 52. Any planet in mediocre zodiacal state intermediate between that of a benefic and a malefic. 53. That foursome alone should make Arizona very competitive in the mediocre National League West. 54. My "capriciousness" and "sophistication", instead of being used in dealing with tricky relations, can be spotted in the mediocre tricks i use to camouflage my inner world. 55. I believe that waiting is a kind of bewitching spell, which turns mediocre things incomparably romantic. 56. If you are a sensible creature, please stop jerking off with your mediocre plain texts arranged in the name of verses. 57. After a mediocre season with a farm team, Jordan returned to the Chicago Bulls on March 18, 1995. 58. One criticism leveled at advanced market commitments (AMCs), as the purchase commitments are now called, is that they would encourage industry to dust off abandoned, mediocre vaccine candidates. 59. Christopher Smith of the Bangor Daily News spoke for the majority of critics when he queried, "Habla usted mediocre movie?" 60. For every Mike Singletary, who appears to have improved the San Francisco 49ers, there's more than one Wayne Gretzky, who recently resigned after four mediocre years coaching the Phoenix Coyotes.