快好知 kuaihz

31. His hand brushed against hers; it could have been either accidental or deliberate. 32. The site was located after the accidental discovery of bones in a field. 33. They tried to smother up the murder by pretending that her death was accidental. 34. Reports suggest that 11 soldiers were killed by accidental fire from their own side. 35. This concentration on industrial estates is not accidental. 36. There was an accidental release of toxic waste. 37. All pipes should be bracketed to avoid accidental damage. 38. The coroner recorded verdicts of accidental death. 39. Coroner Michael Sheffield recorded a verdict of accidental death. 40. The inexperience of the junior staff was not accidental. 41. Are you insured against accidental damage to your property? 42. In contrast, accidental injuries rose only 6 percent. 43. On 4 December 1985 the inquest returned a verdict of accidental death. 44. His presence is not accidental, or perhaps it is merely congruent with another motif in the Tomlinson gestalt about marriage. 45. She touched his elbow so timidly that he thought it must have been accidental. 46. This standard ensures the unit is waterproof and so prevents an accidental, and potentially fatal, combination of water and electricity. 47. The accidental appearance of a reinforcer strengthens any behavior in progress and brings it under the control of current stimuli. 48. Darwin himself had explained the strange inhabitants of isolated oceanic islands such as the Galapagos in terms of accidental migrations from the nearest mainland. 49. It is in such accidental and unplanned ways that key historical decisions are made. 50. I have always felt the need to copy nature in small objects,[www.] particularly the casual or accidental. 51. Young people have a much higher rate of suicide, smoking, and accidental death. 52. Evolution proceeds by the accidental combination of already existing stable sub-assemblies, thereby producing new stable assemblies of higher complexity. 53. Her death was probably accidental, but I doubt that will be much consolation to her children when they reach adulthood. 54. Since then some 4 million hectares have been cut down and millions more have been destroyed by accidental forest fires. 55. On top of all these was the risk of accidental injury or death. 56. Getting rid of weapons reduces the risk of accidental, unauthorised, hair trigger or pre-emptive use. 57. We describe two cases of accidental aspiration of a foreign body after use of a metered dose inhaler. 58. Forty-five percent of fatal road accidents involving young people are alcohol-linked, and so are drowning and deaths from accidental overdose. 59. We found it was more useful in stopping the debarking of trees or accidental damage to shrubs. 60. Failing that, a wet towel can smother an accidental fire.