快好知 kuaihz

1 He'd been harbouring / nursing a grievance against his boss. 2 Does the company have a formal grievance procedure ? 3 to have a grievance against sb. 4 He had a personal grievance against the professor. 5 She still nursed her old grievance. 6 The teachers' contract established a grievance procedure . 7 He will not easily forget his grievance. 8 They had a legitimate grievance. 9 Love with no need to preempt grievance. 10 He had been nursing a grievance against his boss for months. 11 For years he had nursed a grievance against his former employer. 12 The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences. 13 Bill still harbours/nurses a grievance against his employers for not promoting him. 14 Their main grievance was that they had not received their pitiably low pay. 15 A genuine grievance did not have to be financial. 16 And Mr Arbor has another grievance against the Merc. 17 She never nurses a grievance or plans revenge. 18 Others developed a monumental sense of grievance. 19 There was no sense of grievance. 20 In short, their sense of grievance was fed. 21 They will help members arrange to have a grievance against an employer mediated. 22 Governors should take any grievance relating to employment very seriously and give proper consideration to it through a fair grievance procedure. 23 Sometimes I seemed to be nothing but grievance and distress, like a human storm looking for something to deluge. 24 Some of them held office as stewards or grievance men. 25 Youth, is doomed to be bumpy, with sweat and tears, have a grievance, unwilling and failure. 26 Some people will complain even if they have no genuine grievance. 27 The small amount of compensation is a further source of grievance to the people forced to leave their homes. 28 In a well-run company there will be no question of simply rubber-stamping management decisions when a grievance or appeal is pursued. 29 The most skilled and literate combined the keenest sense of grievance with the ability to articulate their aspirations. 30 If you feel upset by an apparent unfairness, pursue the matter through the grievance procedure.