快好知 kuaihz

1, Grandpa told the children the tales of his childhood. 2, Is your grandpa still living? 3, I'm going to miss my grandpa. 4, Grandpa usually has/takes a nap after lunch. 5, Don't talk back to your grandpa. 6, My grandpa sent me a large bundle on my birthday. 7, Is your grandpa still knocking about? 8, My grandpa has accomplished 90 years of his life. 9, Grandpa was not yet back from the war. 10, My grandpa numbered his 86 years. 11, Grandpa was badly injured in the war. 12, My old grandpa is still around and kicking. 13, My grandma survived my grandpa by ten years. 14, Grandpa lies comatose on the sofa. 15, Grandpa is going on in years. 16, Grandma and Grandpa are celebrating their diamond wedding this year. 17, Give Grandpa a wave goodbye, Alice, you won't see him till next week. 18, Grandma and Grandpa will be here in the morning. 19, You and your grandpa been paid, and Luther; too. 20, Grandpa taught me a new card trick. 21, Nobody seemed bothered that Grandpa wasn't there. 22, Come on, give Grandpa a hug. 23, We went down twice, to see grandma and grandpa. 24, Watch what you're doing, grandpa. 25, I don't think grandpa could survive without his cigars. 26, Who's going to carve, Dad or Grandpa? 27, Grandpa was looking to the future. 28, Grandpa likes to sit in the comfy chair beside the fire. 29, Grandpa was getting old and his memory wasn't so good. 30, The veteran classes are our equivalent of the glamourous granny or grandpa competitions!