快好知 kuaihz

(1) A good pawn never shamed his master. (2) All her jewellery was in pawn. (3) My watch is in pawn. (4) I will pawn my life for her. (5) She has redeemed her jewellery from pawn. (6) He had to sacrifice another pawn. (7) The tabloids often pawn off gossip and trivia as real news. (8) Don't let him pawn off an old bike on you - get a new one. (9) A pawn automatically promotes when it reaches the eighth rank. (10) To be a pawn is very frustrating. (11) The promiscuous princess quickly becomes a pawn. (12) Says I should pawn my jewellery. (13) Pretty ignominious sort of territorial pawn at that. (14) Possibly a time trouble error which sheds a pawn, 37 ... f6 being more circumspect. (15) Take your jewellery and pawn it, get yourself a place to live, and then get yourself a job. (16) The white pawn on d7 could not be a worse advertisement for the Grunfeld Defence. (17) A pseudo pawn sacrifice seeking to deflect White's attention from the black king, but Kasparov is not to be deterred. (18) Richard Chang slides an electronic pawn across the chess board on his computer screen. (19) With more skilful manoeuvring, Short surrounded Karpov's king's pawn and invaded with his rook. (20) He prods another pawn vaguely into play against the gathering might of my bishop and knights. (21) White is invited to create a mammoth pawn centre which Black hopes to undermine by sniping from the flanks. (22) She sets out to pawn for passage money a necklace which belonged to her father, who died before she knew him. (23) It looks as though he is being used as a political pawn by the President. (24) She managed to save enough money to redeem her jewellery from the pawn shop. (25) Placed in jeopardy by a man whose status made him a mere Pawn. (26) After the text recapture Black has no real prospects of attack along the f-file while his central pawn structure becomes curiously inflexible. (27) After 30 moves the position appeared level but Kasparov blew the situation open with a pawn sacrifice. (28) White will then always be able to win with the resultant king and pawn against king endgame. (29) Analysis had shown that, in spite of an extra pawn, he held no serious prospect of a win. (30) They certainly help to enhance a perspective that sees Faustus as a pawn between two more powerful forces.