cordial造句1. Let him be cordial in his ways and refined in conduct ; thereby full of joy he will make an end of ill.
2. He was cordial in all his letters.
3. The hostess is very cordial.
4. We maintain cordial relations with our neighbors.
5. The talks were conducted in a cordial atmosphere.
6. Relations between the two governments remained quite cordial.
7. The conversation was carried on in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.
8. The hall was circumfused with a cordial and friendly atmosphere.
9. The two statesmen are known to have a cordial dislike for each other.
10. Meanwhile, relations in the scrum were not always cordial.
11. Two glasses of green cordial were brought.
12. And a cordial greeting to you.
13. We were offered an after-dinner cordial.
14. Ian Cordial, 64, takes over from retiring chairman John Tholen at the beginning of April.
15. The White House gave Begin a cordial reception when he made his first visit in July.
16. Race relations, cordial when blacks and whites had earlier shared a sense of purpose, grew increasingly tense.
17. I received a cordial note from Mrs. Thomas thanking me for the present.
18. Likeable, cordial, he sits down in a chair facing her husband and herself and proceeds to converse with them.
19. As a leader, Kim was cordial to and comfortable with ordinary people.
20. Their relations were always cordial and, in his memoirs, Hedilla recounts how they often talked of politics.
21. Everything was cordial and low-pressure, but this entire process is beginning to wear on him.
22. He had never known him to be so chatty and cordial.
23. Relations between the two leaders are said to be cordial.
24. Though one was a Democrat and the other a Republican, the rivalry over which one would move up first was cordial.
25. Little wonder that Sarri Fong was frightened: hiS encounters with white men had been anything but cordial.
26. So much so that I bought his only copy of it, and earned his cordial loathing.
27. As Madame Delon had predicted, her enquiry met with a cordial response followed by an unexpected invitation to lunch.
28. The diminutive Mr Dunne, who lived on the second floor of the hotel, was cordial in his way.
29. Relations among members of the two groups have not always been cordial.
30. Sources close to Blunkett and Woodhead said the meeting itself was cordial: no shouting or stamping of feet.