con造句61. A dozen stray cats were asleep under a Con Edison awning and so were two winos.
62. These people-part actor, part con artist-are paid to create what we used to trust as word-of-mouth.
63. Thirty percent of college and university professors, it is asserted, are con men, harassers, layabouts and plagiarists.
64. La Tour was a master of light whose subjects ranged from con artists to saints.
65. Now we have a better understanding of why con men like to target little old ladies.
66. There was no elderly widow to con, but there was an empty house, and one he knew well.
67. The remains of the Con federate machinist who was torn to pieces were shoveled into buckets and thrown overboard.
68. He was trying to con me, and I knew it.
69. Attorney Randall D.. Eliason said Brown was nothing but a con man.
70. At First Avenue the crosswalk is blocked by a Con Ed van and an open manhole cover encircled by yellow rubber cones.
71. The image of Romans as freewheeling, extravagant, anything-goes anarchists is a fraud, a wildly successful con.
72. A suspected con man is said to keep an AK-47 in the safe by his bed.
73. What about the indigenous artists who are ripped off by these greedy con merchants?
74. Bob dos his living as a con artist.
75. Reemplace el objetivo con uno que funcione para usted.
76. Gioco ad ogni cosa, a bowling con zia Rosa.
77. Their con structure condition is as CG series scraper.
78. Bob makes his living as a con artist.
79. My grandparents got burned in a con game.
80. He made a fast buck in the con scheme.
81. The con artist was posing as an investment banker.
82. She was so naive to believe the con man.
83. Analyzing the difference of atom hologram and optical hologram, we point out that only the laser cooling atoms can satisfy the coherent and diffract con...
84. In order to take a further function at the advisory jurisdiction of the International Justice Court, on the basis of the different suggestions, it is con...
85. E videro alcuni de'suoi discepoli prendevano cibo con mani impure, cio è non lavate.
86. We investigate the 1D atomic gas BECs loaded in two different near harmonic potentials, namely BEC guided by magnetic waveguide and condensed atoms trapped in cigar-shaped con.
87. Waiting inside is the giant form of a particularly skanky con.
88. On a Los Angeles street corner in 2000, I was the "inside man" in a classic con game called the pigeon drop.
89. a con man who bilked investors out of millions of dollars.
90. Daily check and maintain air - compressor , vacuum, air - dryer air - con, humidifier running status.