heat造句(31) The heat in the desert was extreme.
(32) The heat gradually dissipates into the atmosphere.
(33) He was sweating from the intense heat.
(34) Cold is the privation of heat.
(35) They walked all day in the scorching heat.
(36) Heat causes the expansion of gases.
(37) It lets sunlight in but doesn't let heat out.
(38) The race ended in a dead heat.
(39) The flowers looked limp in the heat.
(40) The heat causes the reaction to be accelerated.
(41) The flowers were drooping in the heat.
(42) She found the heat debilitating.
(43) The pavement reflects heat on a hot day.
(44) The sun gives us light and heat.
(45) The heat and humidity were insufferable.
(46) Cover the saucepan and remove from the heat.
(47) The heat of the sun seared their faces.
(48) The heat is terrible in Baghdad during the summer.
(49) The sun radiates light and heat.
(50) Take the milk off the heat before it boils over.
(51) Left out in the heat of the sun, tapes easily warp or get stuck in their cases.
(52) The heat was beginning to get to me, so I went indoors.
(53) Brush the aubergines with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan.
(54) The heat was getting to be too much for me.
(55) Great heat indurates clay.
(56) The stifling heat of the little room was beginning to make me nauseous.
(57) The burning foam generates such heat that other items in the room can ignite spontaneously.
(58) The athletes are acclimatising to the heat by staying in Monte Carlo.
(59) The heat had to be dissipated by elaborate cooling systems.
(60) Cook the sauce over a medium heat until it thickens. Meanwhile start boiling the water for the pasta.