fair造句91. The conference discussed the fair distribution of income and wealth.
92. You must play fair.
93. Anti-government protesters have been heartened by recent government promises of free and fair elections.
94. The umpire's duty is to see that competition is fair play.
95. It's not fair the way my sister is always singled out for special treatment.
96. I'll give you ten pounds each to make it fair.
97. I get you out of the country and you keep your mouth shut. Is that a fair exchange?
98. 'You should really have asked me first.' 'Right, okay, fair comment.'
99. The other bidders for the contract complained that it had not been a fair contest.
100. It seems only fair that they should give us something in return.
101. Our company is proud of its reputation for fair dealing.
102. Getting out of this mess was going to require a fair degree of ingenuity.
103. It's a well-rounded article which is fair to both sides of the dispute.
104. The ideal of a perfectly fair society is just make-believe.
105. He that can bear a reproof,and mend by it,if he is not wise,is in a fair way of being so.
106. Life isn't fair, but no matter your circumstances, you have to give it your all.
107. This type of exam does not provide a fair test of the student's knowledge.
108. Judge Kelso has a reputation for being strict but fair.
109. The judge said that arbitration was a fair and expeditious decision-making process.
110. We've all paid our fair share except Portia, who's never got any money.
111. Each year they audit our accounts and certify them as being true and fair.
112. Why should I have to do all the cleaning? It's not fair!
113. never lie, cheat or steal. always smile a fair deal.
114. It's not fair to criticize without giving her the chance to answer back.
115. The city is holding its annual trade fair in May this year.
116. By degrees the quality gave up going , and the fair, of course, became disreputable.
117. The president dedicated the World Fair.
118. It's only fair that we tell him what's happening.
119. Come on, you two, fight fair!
120. We've had a fair number of applicants.