快好知 kuaihz

61. That the suspension bridge was both graceful to look at and economical to build was undeniable. 62. His route curved away in a graceful sweep ahead of him. Three hours later he was obsessed with petrol. 63. Long, graceful leaves are divided into about twelve spindle-shaped leaflets with undivided margins, and a terminal leaflet. 64. At the bottom of the hill, six poplar trees swayed, graceful as girls with their hair long. 65. In recent years these graceful birds have been seen again in increasing numbers. 66. The best way to avoid message overloading is to provide separate areas for different programs and to make provisions for graceful failure. 67. His route curved away in a graceful sweep ahead of him. 68. Quiet men with graceful manners were the ideal of her generation, and he seemed to embody it. 69. If you were expecting the graceful and chaste fluidity of Swan Lake, you would surely have got the right gunk. 70. Whiplike, graceful thrilling metal dendrites drawing images from the air, bringing brotherhood, communion to Immured apartment people. 71. Lady fern, pictured here, has an elegant appearance with graceful fronds up to three feet in length. 72. His face seemed so pale against the dark of her graceful, delicate hand. 73. Nearby, the bright and graceful span known as the Bridge of Lions carries traffic from Anastasia Island into town. 74. She's like one of them underwater swimmers I seen on telly - you know, all slow and graceful like. 75. We will build theories that gleam like jade idols, intriguing systems of assumption, four-faced, graceful. 76. At certain times of the year, the Horns would also have framed the Sun in their graceful curve. 77. The Gondola was the most graceful of illuminated trams, and was built in 1925 on the base of an old tram. 78. Slender, graceful, with either end encased in a rectangular metal box they looked perfectly innocuous. 79. A graceful writer with a strong grip on story, Molly Gloss is also a writer with a political agenda. 80. The graceful brass plated trimmings and finials are complemented here by the solid pine Osborne surround. 81. Its seamless curve swept across the canyon and imbedded itself in each side, a gigantic but somehow graceful intrusion. 82. The largest and most buzzard-like harrier of the region, with broader, more rounded wings and less graceful flight. 83. He watched her graceful movements as she came towards him. 84. Gaudi captures that peculiar living response which cuts across a square campus lawn and traces a graceful curving shortcut. 85. Her long, graceful neck curved into the round, firm line of her bodice. 86. As usual she was stunning, white linen jacket and trousers supremely casual and graceful. 87. Gwyneth Paltrow is wonderful in the film, tall, graceful and elegant. 88. The graceful pink hotel stood outlined against a clear electric-blue sky, framed with the black silhouettes of palms and umbrella pines. 89. He thought she was graceful ... she felt idiotically breathless, flattered, confused - and even more alarmed than ever. 90. He sketched her quickly, with a few graceful strokes of his pen.