immaculate造句91 Possess immaculate cover efficacy, effective punish and carry average Bright non - uniform complexion.
92 Gloria and immaculate virgin.
93 At the same time, it improves bad conditions. eg. black skin, yellow skin and pore crassitude to make it immaculate and feel larruping.
94 Inside Beijing's Immaculate Conception Cathedral, more than 1, 000 Chinese parishioners gathered to say Mass on Friday.
95 There were immaculate rolling grounds with an eight-car garage, an adjacent two-bedroom casita and an outdoor dining pavilion with a fireplace and kitchen surrounding a black gummite pool.
96 But what really helped me to come off at that time was, I believe, to view the history of philosophy as a screwing process or, what amounts to the same thing, an immaculate conception.
97 The attire consisted of a formal evening gown, immaculate in detail.
98 They are overwhelmed with splendor of all that is immaculate and inaccessible.
99 The Catholic church neatly took care of the problem by inventing the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, which excluded the Virgin Mary from partaking of Adam's imputed guilt.
100 The physics are also immaculate, with balls around on the baize.
101 The doctrine of Mary's Immaculate Conception was a matter Unclothed of dispute throughout the Middle Agbs.
102 There was a Frenchman sitting at the next table, immaculate in tennis whites.
103 The good will be sustained through the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart and will not see unprovided death.
104 Why bring this filthy creature here instead to pollute this domain of immaculate maidens?
105 The Roman Catholic church also the doctrine of Immaculate Conception and her bodily assumption into heaven.
106 The doctrine of Mary's Immaculate Conception was a matt of dispute throughout the Middle Ages.
107 Then, one day, came back to him through the mail ten of his immaculate machine-made storiettes.
108 Welcome to the Immaculate Heart of Mary College 19 th Student Union Website!
109 She was immaculate, well-mannered, sensitive, intelligent, and kind to strangers.
110 As the Queen of Heaven, she lived on earth, untainted by desire , and immaculate.
111 With the maturity of our printing technology, has demonstrated immaculate printing art.
112 He was in his usual travelling costume, as fine asa fiddle, with silken vest, a dress coat of the last fashion, immaculate white kid gloves, and a pair of French varnished boots.
113 Probably not for fear that his immaculate image would be tarnished and he wouldn't sell as many Air Jordan's, but then again, he never had to.
114 A girl dressed as an angel on the day of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception celebrations in Ciudad Vieja, Guatemala.
115 The sports program of Basquet Cornella dates to 1929, and the booming facility in which it plays has an immaculate basketball gym, next to the huge tennis center in a country gone mad for sport.
116 "Then on the four small beads say the "Hail Mary", adding after each, "Blessed be the pure, holy and immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
117 Marquette had solemnly contracted, on the feast of the Immaculate Conception, that if the Virgin would permit him to discover the great river, he would name it Conception, in her honor.
118 Its beachfront hotels have immaculate,[.com] landscaped gardens with a commanding view of the waters of sheltered Yalong Bay.
119 The cars and platforms are immaculate. Entering the station at Syntagma Square downtown, one gets the calm, ordered feel of a cathedral.
120 In 1854, Pope Pius the Ninth proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.