快好知 kuaihz

91) Autumn disrobes the trees of leaves. 92) Some trees lose their leaves in autumn. 93) Autumn rain pearled down the window. 94) Farmers plough in autumn or spring. 95) He published his autobiography last autumn. 96) The beautiful autumn made up for the wet summer. 97) In autumn, leaves block the drains up. 98) Nature is most colourful in autumn. 99) The leaves start to colour in autumn. 99)try its best to collect and build good sentences. 100) The weather turned colder with the approach of autumn. 101) The autumn woods were aflame with colour. 102) The trees shed their leaves in autumn. 103) He was drafted last autumn by the Detroit Lions. 104) The coming autumn should be eventful. 105) I love the brown and gold of autumn leaves. 106) Maple leaves turn crimson in autumn. 107) In autumn, the leaves turn a dusky red. 108) Autumn arrived early that year. 109) The autumn is now declining. 110) House prices could perk up during the autumn. 111) The woods were aflame with autumn colours. 112) The cool autumn wind clarified my mind. 113) The trees were ablaze with the colours of autumn. 114) The countryside glowed with autumn colours. 115) Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote vigorous growth in the spring. 116) It was autumn and the leaves were beginning to yellow. 117) The press has identified several government ministers-in-waiting, saying that they are likely to be appointed in the autumn. 118) The days/nights are closing in now that autumn/fall is here. 119) Bulbs that you plant in the autumn should flower the following spring. 120) Monday dawned still and misty, with a promise of autumn sunshine.