regard造句211 Many would regard him, I think, as an eligible bachelor.
212 The nature of the access road to the site and adjoining development can be influential with regard to market potential.
214 Manville did not regard his surveillance as a betrayal of trust, either.
215 In this regard, increased plasma renin activity and decreased renal prostaglandin production have been reported in patients with acute liver failure.
216 School officials can lose this qualified privilege if they act in bad faith or without regard for whether the statements are true.
217 In regard to the use of field interviewers, the social and psychological aspects of studies are all too often ignored.
218 He was seeking advice with regard to the Council's refusal to rehouse him in suitable ground floor accommodation.
219 I regard these observations as applicable to the position of a self-regulating organisation.
220 The move follows an unsuccessful bid by Mr Foster to get the board to reinstate the facility Teesdale farmers regard as essential.
221 Gregory liked Guntram because of his benefactions to the Church and his regard for churchmen, although he does not hide his weaknesses.
222 The teacher was told by the researcher to regard silence as a wrong answer and to punish it accordingly.
223 It is a mistake to regard age as a downhill grade toward dissolution. The reverse is true. As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides.George Sand
224 And we let him know we understood that and that we expected to receive a comparable benefit for ourselves in that regard.
225 Even very conservative commentators can regard the conditions within some prisons as morally intolerable to a civilized community.
226 The prioress seemed to regard my master as her chief concern.
227 I do not regard the United Kindom constitution as set in concrete.
228 Some patients regard diabetic clinic days as holy days and fast for them!
229 As might be supposed complications arise with regard to transfers of votes.
230 This statement represents the old doctrine in regard to obtaining property by false pretences, to which I shall advert presently.
231 Those who knew Billy Callender still speak of him with affection and regard all these years later.
232 People who are engaged in groundbreaking collaborations have high regard for people who challenge and test their ideas.
233 If signs are to be effective for user orientation, they must be carefully planned with regard to position, content and presentation.
234 Systematic Cleaning Systematic cleaning is the adoption of the right combination of energy for the circumstances with regard to time and cost.
235 When determining planning applications planning authorities are required to have regard to structure and local plans.
236 We can regard the statistical argument about numbers of planets as an argument of last resort.
237 It is well within reason to expect help in this regard in exchange for further financial assistance.
238 Having regard to future possibilities as well as present realities, an exclusion clause would be indispensable in the new system.
239 We can not regard the present statements as necessarily being set in concrete.
240 We want to regard the police chief of our great city with deep respect.