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61. Besides, the artistic devices such as symbol and musicality advocated by Symbolism are also accepted by Modernists. 62. When he criticized American dream, he was utilizing plenty of symbolism. 63. Connectionism and symbolism are the two main schools of cognitive science. Connectionism is mainly based on the study of the structure and working mechanism of the brain. 64. Art Movements - Realism - Suprematism - Surrealism - Symbolism. 65. Find the meaning in numerology; learn all about numerological blueprints and mystical numerology in this free video on numerical divination and new age symbolism. 66. After Diocletian, ambitious Christian leaders ruled through the powerful fusion of Roman political, social, and military precedents with symbolism and Christianity. 67. A special comment on certain writers and their works influenced by imagism and symbolism is made from a new view in this paper. 68. Symbolism in wide rang is also a distinctive feature of his poetry. 69. The symbolism of the gesture is everything one could wish. 70. As formulated by the critic and poet Larry Neal, the black aesthetic "proposes a separate symbolism, mythology, critique, and iconology." 71. By means of modernistic techniques, her novel A Dill Pickle focuses on the theme of the sense of loneliness and disillusion by using the flower symbolism. 72. After that, the thesis sets out to expound Poe's emphasis on musicality in poetry and its influence on French Symbolism. 73. Surrealism, with its dreamlike associations, easily lent itself to the wordplay and psychological symbolism of advertising, cartoons, and theme parks. 74. Viewing from the aspects of graphic form, color, or even pronunciation, symbolism is adopted throughout the process, for people regard the logo itself as a symbol.http:// 75. On august 9,2005 a figure appeared in Wayland Smithy with Mayan symbolism they clearly gave us a date, May 20, the day when Earth, the Pleiades and the sun align. 76. Being influenced by studies of Occultism, metaphysics and Indian religion, Yeats explored symbolism and investigated origin and nature of the world in his last period of poetic creation. 77. Jung was especially knowledgeable in the symbolism of complex mystical traditions such as Gnosticism , Alchemy, Kabala, and similar traditions in Hinduism and Buddhism. 78. Such as"Constructionism", "Deconstructionism", "Symbolism Phenomena", "Acceptance Aesthetics" and "Acceptance Theory". All take it as their theoretical basis. 79. The differing levels provide a "simple symbolism of linking together past, present and future, as inter-reliant and simultaneously merging elements, lends the design cogency." 80. As a means of literary creation, symbolism is used in O"Neill"s plays not only to universalize the theme, but also to enrich and deepen the meaning of his plays. 81. But the strong Freudian view about symbolism and wish fulfillment has not been supported by the study of dreams. 82. This paper attempts to illustrate the important role of costume in the whole opera performance from three aspects—symbolism, prescriptivism, and the nature of dance. 83. Royal diplomacy in parliamentary monarchy countries, with the characteristics of indirectness, subordinacy, symbolism and dependence, plays a supporting role in their external relations. 84. The sound form of poetry is often manifested in onomatopoeia, sound symbolism and some other musical devices such as alliteration, assonance, repetition, internal rhyme and so on. 85. His symbolism in The Little Prince is omnibearing, eg, the whole symbolism, the single symbolism and the correlation between the symbolisms. 86. Symbolism fits in well with the form of Pure Poetry because Romantism is devoid of form, and the form of Estheticism is vague. 87. The ten assembly halls divinity - place of Hong River have characteristics of region, mundaneness, symbolism, and compatibility. 88. Using the power of the network, the cottage has a huge upgrade to become cultural events of social influence and it endowed with rich symbolism and is given unique symbol. 89. Steinbeck's fiction as a whole, we can find Biblical symbolism and allusions common. " 90. Even the smallest change - Obama's penholder, for example - is closely watched for symbolism.