proud造句241. She was poor but proud, and the 1st Shadwell Brownie Pack had to be rather careful what they did for her.
242. We were afraid that this proud and energetic man might be forced to lie there paralyzed and helpless until his death.
243. With a catch in his voice, Dan told her how proud he was.
244. Mr Haynes is very proud, and is basking in the limelight.
245. This proud, but humiliated, most complicated of politicians was not averse to flattery.
246. Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself.Kahlil Gibran
247. Proud parents and a mass of other churchgoers came in their wake.
248. Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.Henry Ward Beecher
249. She kisses lightly, licks around the tip, and he's proud like a teenage boy.
250. Cindy seemed in some ways proud of the way she had learned to communicate with Robbie but was also anxious about it.
251. Surely the uniform of an officer cadet was something to be proud of.
252. The proud man can learn humility[http://], but he will be proud of it.Mignon McLaughlin
253. Still, Hailey has crafted a tale that should make South Florida proud.
254. Proud at first and glowing a little in reflected celebrity status, he grew bored very quickly with the indiscriminate nature of it all.
255. Italians are proud of their country's contributions to the arts.
256. Getting it right is a fine achievement that those who have managed it should be proud of.
257. She is particularly proud of her involvement with the recent appointments of a new breed of top entrepreneurial staff.
258. The dark, clean-shaven face was strong and proud, the mouth firm yet sensitive.
259. Now the girls basketball coach has given the school and the town of Bushnell even more reason to be proud.
260. The government believes that people will love it for abolishing counties like Humberside, which proud Yorkshiremen have always refused to acknowledge.
261. The effect of this order was to confer second-class citizenship on the proud Washington.
262. When he graduated from Northwood University with excellent training in business administration, I felt so proud.
263. Many homeless people are too proud to ask for charity.
264. There were no copycat incidents, and Trondheim is again proud of its crime record.
265. She concluded by saying she was proud to be Chancellor of Salford.
266. We arrived on Flag Day, and this proud community put its colors on display.
267. You are not yet the proud owner of the copier you have come for.
268. The thing I'm the most proud of in my personal life is that my daughter actually thinks that I'm fabulous.Brooke Shields
269. As a girl she had lain always on her back, proud, determined.
270. I'm so proud of you that it makes me proud of me. I hope you know that.John Green