in cash造句61) She had received £70 in cash, repaid £35, and still owed £101 15s.
62) Think instead of five hundred pounds - in cash - sent to you by special delivery every week.
63) The men, who are interested in cash, are more liable to go for the big wood.
64) And he sometimes paid them in cash, to speed things up.
65) A total of £1.1 million was payable on completion in cash, with the balance payable over the next three years.
66) The company said it paid with about $ 25 million in cash and $ 159 million in mortgage financing.
67) The Republican Party has donated $ 350, 000 in cash and support for the initiative.
68) Normally you can withdraw up to £500 in cash at any branch, or larger amounts by cheque.
69) But whereas open-end funds take in cash from investors at any time, closed-end funds have a fixed amount of assets.
70) Rouse has roughly $ 100 million in cash, according to company data.
71) Partners, a Los Angeles-based investment firm, for $ 225 million in cash.
72) The three-minute cheap rate for local calls is now cheaper in cash terms than it was in 1981.
73) I mentioned to the agent that I could pay a twoor three-month security deposit in cash.
74) He was charged after investigators linked him to more than $100 million in cash in European banks.
75) After a short heated argument, the inspector agreed to pay the costs in cash from his local station funds.
76) Workers were paid in cash, and no receipts were required.
77) It reported in mid-1861, but suggested only that the peasantry of the western provinces fulfil their obligations in cash rather than labour.
78) Kedie was initially arrested on suspicion of supplying drugs when police discovered £2,000 in cash in his house.
79) Nobody was more surprised than Neeld when his miserly great-uncle proved to be worth nearly £1 million, mostly in cash.
80) The attackers stole over £200 in cash and a gold chain which the victim was wearing.
81) Do you mind if I pay in cash?
82) Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents.
83) Payments must be in cash terms only.
84) Ill pay in cash. Here's 1400 yuan.
85) Article 13 Shareholders shall contribute capital in cash.
86) Oh, only for today. Can I pay in cash?
87) You can either pay in cash or by cards.
88) But if you take out $100 a share in cash, and understand Google can soon earn $40 a share, investors are paying 12 times operating earnings.
89) They were paid half in cash on Monday and half in stock-related bonuses payable in three to five years — provided the executives still works for Pfizer.
90) Mr. Feinberg's decision will mean a 90%-plus reduction in cash compensation, although in a wrinkle, the rulings will only be effective for two months - November and December.