frank造句121, Frank is of the opinion that the 1934 yacht should have won.
122, I'm not kidding, Frank. There's a cow out there, just standing around.
123, Frank was very ill, and the doctors didn't think he'd make it.
124, If you want my frank opinion, I don't think the plan will succeed.
125, People at the party were embarrassed when Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself.
126, Frank and Jill always spar with each other at meetings, but they're good friends really.
127, He latched the door, tested it, and turned around to speak to Frank.
128, After a frank exchange of ideas, the two of them finally broke down their long-standing prejudice against each other and became friends again.
129, Frank answered my ad in the Voice.
130, Frank was attentive to me, even courtly.
131, Not to a bloke like Frank.
132, Frank had a bad flu before Christmas.
133, Probably got another bruiser after Frank.
134, It was nasty, brutish and to be frank frightening as they tried to make sure they won the vote over Maastricht.
135, Pieper is quite frank about buying customer base, the result he anticipates from these other joint ventures.
136, Newly released hostage Frank Reed declares from his hospital balcony that he is looking forward to a three-pound Maine lobster.
137, The illegitimate son of a maidservant, Frank Roberts was born at Edinburgh in 1915.
138, Harriet walks with Knightley, and Frank arrives late, after Jane has taken herself home in agitation.
139, It is important to our friends to believe that we are unreservedly frank with them, and important to friendship that we are not.Mignon McLaughlin
140, Edward, invited to give an account of himself and be frank about it, did so.
141, I watched her take a banana from a paper bag, peel it, and offer it to Frank.
142, Frank Bruno, after only three fights since quitting pantomime, is apparently lined up to fight both champions.
143, Frank will be late but we'll go ahead with the meeting anyway.
144, A pleasant and nice person is not necessarily a good person. A frank and critical person is not necessarily a bad person.Dr T.P.Chia
145, It was raw, frank and eventually it appeared in print.
146, Still, I thought bitterly, Frank would find truth in what I had written.
147, There they met headmaster Frank Boyden, who enlisted them in his efforts to beautify the town surrounding the private school.
148, Frank Thorp said the project still will benefit the Navy.
149, After a lucky thirteen episodes, Crawford decided that Frank Spencer should bow out.
150, Frank has made a career of knocking on doors, finding the wood is solid and going round the back way.