快好知 kuaihz

121. He's stubborn, and so is she, but to a lesser degree, ie not as much. 122. Stubborn stains, paint or petroleum asphalt can be removed with turpentine or paint thinner. 123. But they can at times be unemotional and even downright stubborn, give them plenty of room. 124. Support for the benchmark kicks in at 1,200, which was recently a stubborn resistance point, and the top end of its recent trading range, and near 1,195, its 10-day moving average. 125. Doctrinairism almost became a stubborn ailment in literary creations shortly after 1949 when literature was turned into a political tool. 126. The majordomo tried to convince him, and the gardeners also pressed, but Rezak remained stubborn. 127. Indeed, Chinese colleges are being corrupted by a combination of a stubborn emphasis on the old bookish knowledge and the recent running-out-of-control experiment with self-financing. 128. What do you mean I'm as stubborn as a mule? When ot comes to being stubborn, you take the cake! 129. Remember, he'll probably be just like you when you were a teenager: He'll be stubborn, thickheaded and he'll think he knows everything. 130. Great for babies, kids or adults with super sensitive skin. Will not irritate eczema or cradle cap reports of healing even stubborn cases. 131. With an 80 kilometer slick of highly poisonous chemicals heading down the Amur River towards one of China's largest cities you have to be pretty stubborn not to think that someone will notice. 132. He is stubborn , and so is, to a lesser degree. 133. Greatness seems to demand the sort of stubborn perversity that is a predominantly male quality. 134. Although his view on female have some fresh elements, it comes from his stubborn position of androcentrism. 134.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 135. The subconscious can be terribly stubborn; but by gradually ingraining new beliefs into it, the impossible becomes possible. 136. In fact my heart is quite good if know someone to like me, as long as a little bit a mean me also Fan, but you refuse stubborn, every time saw me heel incognizant , so call I how Fan? 137. Are you stiff - necked and stubborn when you speak to your spouse? 138. These stubborn and skilful guard actions checked the impetuous advance at all points, inflicting severe losses. 139. I will not pay a deceitful man like you, said the stubborn debutante. 140. We have to take strong measures against him , he is as stubborn as a mule. 141. I was as stubborn as a mule; it took me years to follow his will. 142. In periods of speedy progress, It'seems, stubborn reactionaries at least enjoy a certain scarcity value. 143. At last , by dint of his articles, his stubborn efforts and his surpassing talent. 144. Weightily , it pockets author's desire of looking for hero and stubborn adoration of force. 145. The neurectomy of pterygoid canal was quite effective for stubborn allergic nasitis. 146. Oh you men who think or say that I am malevolent, stubborn, or misanthropic, how greatly do you wrong me. 147. They finally broke into the stubborn gate of Troy with a wooden horse. 148. The boss is a stubborn man; it's not easy to make him dance to another tune. 149. For the rural semi-proletariat are not so stubborn in clinging to small peasant private ownership of the means of production; they are more ready to accept socialist transformation. 150. Hello bother a kind excuse me peptide tinea is oral cavity ulcer, why so stubborn?