acquainted造句61. When he preached a funeral, you could tell he was acquainted with the deceased.
62. He'd become acquainted with her only hours before the hearing and would forget her minutes afterwards.
63. He has gone through a very extensive course of reading, and is acquainted with all the sciences.
64. These aim at implanting basic skills and making students acquainted with some fundamental topics and some classic philosophical texts.
65. The equity department was planning a boat trip to become further acquainted with the trainees on its short list.
66. We are probably also acquainted with examples where local and national government, large and big business impinge on the local community.
67. Students of literature who are sympathetic to, and at least partially acquainted with, speech act theory should find the arguments stimulating.
68. The child, better acquainted about science than about religion, then asks: In space?
69. Strange canine characters are pleased to get acquainted and never have you been more popular.
70. So for that reason the two must be introduced to each other and become acquainted.
71. The number of scriptural references applicable to bereavement seemed legion - and Kenneth seemed to be acquainted with each and every one.
72. Mozart had become acquainted with the choirmaster there, Anton Stoll, for whom he wrote the exquisite motet Ave verum corpus.
73. His area supervisor will also be acquainted with it, but will possess a detailed knowledge only of its conspicuous problems.
74. I became acquainted with her brother Pavel Sergeevich Popov, a university professor.
75. As far as it goes, the film will be of passing interest to anybody acquainted with the myth.
76. Students are responsible for keeping themselves acquainted with notices posted on official notice boards. 4.
77. Joe and Chip became acquainted through club functions and developed a close friendship.
78. Indeed, we get acquainted with ourselves in books.
79. Are We Really Acquainted with Andersen?
80. We should get acquainted with our parents earlier.
81. When did you get acquainted with him?
82. I got acquainted with him only recently.
83. You'll to be acquainted with all the details.
84. I am already acquainted with him.
85. While in Pairs he got acquainted with Balzac.
86. Actually, I happen to be acquainted with that woman.
87. You are acquainted with Westminster Abbey, Mrs. Jarley?
88. A diary is one way to get acquainted with yourself.
89. I speak understandingly on this subject, for I have made myself acquainted with it both theoretically and practically.
90. Through a game so called Finger Spelling they get acquainted.