快好知 kuaihz

181. I beg your pardon, what you say is not exactly correct. 182. Be sure to wear the correct footwear to prevent injuries to your feet. 183. I don't want to upset him again like before. It is also used instead of as if:It looks like we're going to be late. These uses of like are common but are not considered correct in formal written English. 184. I thought my answer was correct, but it was erroneous. 185. I got eight correct answers and two wrong ones in last week's exam. 186. On appeal, it was held that the judge was correct. 187. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you say you'd never met him before? 188. She checked over the names on the list to ensure that everything was correct. 189. Is your math correct? 190. A careful person is not nervous but does take extra care to make sure that everything is correct or nothing goes wrong. People are now more cautious about buying luxuries. 191. There'll be no time to correct lackadaisical driving techniques after trouble develops. 192. Did she use to have long hair? Note that the correct spelling is use to, not 'used to'. 193. While her English was correct, it was peppered with French phrases. 194. All the procedures must be done in the correct order. 195. I'm just making a wild guess here, so correct me if I'm wrong. 196. Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia. 197. Mr Smith was obstructive and refused to follow correct procedure. 198. Would you cast your eye over these calculations to check that they are correct? 199. People were too polite to correct my grammar when I spoke German. 200. I think the president was correct to reject the offer. 201. The following information was correct at time of going to press. 202. Would I be correct in thinking that you are Jenkins? 203. That is definitely correct. 204. Older machines will need a software patch to be loaded to correct the date. 205. My results show that this conjecture was, in fact, correct. 206. Do you know the correct pronunciation of these Gaelic names? 207. Will you please check up these data to see if they are correct? 208. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this last year's brochure? 209. He has got to hear it from the horse's mouth. Then he can make a judgment as to whether his policy is correct or not. 210. You are absolutely correct, the Missouri is the longest river in the US.