measured造句151. Serum gastrin concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay with antibody R98 as previously described.
152. Under Coach Wooden, UCLA men's basketball was so successful it was the benchmark other teams measured themselves against.
153. Consider the view that the link between aggregate consumption and current measured income is a tenuous one. 4.
154. Remember that your real wealth can be measured not by what you have, but by what you are.Napoleon Hill
155. About a hundred chemical compounds were continuously measured in the air, soil, and water throughout the whole structure.
156. Plasma gastrin concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay with antibody G179 provided by Professor Bloom.
157. We measured circulating gastrin to determine the concentrations of gastrin required to produce half maximal acid secretion.
158. He felt a joy so strong it might be measured in the language of angelic orders, of powers and dominations.
159. Free carnitine was converted to C acetyl carnitine and measured in a scintillation counter.
160. Again, neither involvement nor perceptions of threat has any significant association with the attitudes measured by this factor.
161. The negative values correspond to the spin pointing mainly in the opposite direction to that being measured.
162. Along the horizontal axis are measured the supply of and demand for labour in the ith market, and respectively.
163. Cholesterol nucleation time, biliary lipid concentration, vesicular cholesterol distribution, and biliary protein concentration were measured and compared.
164. The measured unemployment rate for the advanced capitalist countries had fallen below 3 percent.
165. Economic development is measured using the amount of energy consumed in any given year.
166. She once bared her backside to a crowd and once measured the private parts of three sailors with a broomstick.
167. They measured the number of cases brought to court by persons who alleged that their cattle had been stolen.
168. The change in price from the first to the second sale of each house is the basic unit measured.
169. You indicate in detail how key concepts are identified and measured in actual research settings.
170. This supplements the consideration of deductive and logical abilities measured by the traditional convergent questions for which there are unique correct answers.
171. Market segmentation is especially important in consumer markets, where the numbers of potential buyers can be measured in millions.
172. In classrooms where such a pattern exists personal pace and achievement can be taken as the yardstick against which learning is measured.
173. Individuals will be responsible for their own personal development plans which will be measured against agreed standards of business performance.
174. Instead of their polished manner and measured tones, he sweats under the studio lights and delivers his lines in a bellow.
175. From these other points could be measured by triangulation with compasses or calipers.
176. Disease was measured by first hospital admission rates since endometriosis can be diagnosed with accuracy only at laparotomy or laparoscopy.
177. Industrialization is measured by the percentage of males employed in agriculture and the per capita consumption of energy.
178. The measured seasonal variations of peroxide and ozone in clean air at Cape Grim during the experiment are contrasted in Fig. 4.
179. Even if they could be accurately measured,[http:///measured.html] they may well divert attention from the real cause of behaviour.
180. His acoustic guitar work is considered the standard by which all other flamenco players are now measured.