subjective造句61. Our subjective judgement of what seems like a good bet is irrelevant to what is actually a good bet.
62. This relates to both the farm worker's own expectations from life and his subjective interpretations of what he sees around him.
63. Others commented that the subjective experience of patients was outside the range of what could be recorded and judged objectively.
64. Supposing the physician can find no tissue damage or that there is an inappropriate relation between objective fact and subjective complaint.
65. All reality is seen to be subjective, all value to be derived from, and grounded within, the self.
66. Just like ourselves, the real creature's feeling for itself is subjective, within its own mind structure.
67. Studies of action are concerned with the subjective meaning attached to actions by human beings.
68. For the physician, it is a demand to identify the objective source of the tissue damage which provoked the subjective awareness.
69. But it would be hazardous to assume that prominence and deviance are simply subjective and objective aspects of the same phenomenon.
70. If sociologists produce their own statistics these too are the product of subjective opinions, in this case the opinions of sociologists.
71. In practice, the choice was made on subjective grounds, reflecting the institutional preferences of military planners.
72. Sensation is experienced in the present, but this is a subjective moment distinct from the dimensionless instant of the physical present.
73. Comparing these subjective judgements with actual costs might suggest that people are wrong about, for example check trading being cheap.
74. Therefore, no amount of personality can compensate for mediocre chili. o Judging chili is very personal and subjective.
75. The danger is most marked where the measurement of improvement is subjective.
76. In the first laboratory study subjective risk was only associated with improved recognition sensitivity for the most potentially dangerous situations.
77. Critics say the process was subjective and open to political manipulation.
78. We wanted both detailed accounts and subjective interpretations, and we were given both.
79. By its very nature, political risk assessment must be subjective, i.e. not based on numerical data.
80. In general, young children may not distinguish between judgements about reality and judgements about appearance or subjective opinion.
81. My point is that the form that an animal's subjective experience takes will be a property of the internal computer model.
82. Perfection is relative and, for potato lice or anything else, depends on subjective judgement.
83. Essentially, we were exploring subjective experiences of work and pointing to the fact that these experiences become objective reality.
84. The emphasis is on objective analysis of evidence rather than on a subjective impression of any single witness.
85. Lastly, the Subjective Tests Group is defining a method of assessing the quality of the coded information.
86. Tragicomedy gives the disjunction of the subjective and objective visions of the human situation dramatic form.
87. As stated earlier, subjective responses to ageing are also shaped by social and material resources.
88. An infinite amount of information-processing allows an infinite amount of life and thought, and thus an infinite amount of subjective time.
89. Secondly, many of the symptoms produced are highly subjective - headache, confusion or nausea, for example.
90. Martin Scorsese is a very subjective artist, if not one with much sense of perspective.