快好知 kuaihz

61. Unless, like most of us, you can not take your eyes off an impending disaster. 62. Moreover, in the absence of any evidence of impending upheaval, individual peasants were wary of risking involvement in seditious talk. 63. But news of a major management bloodletting, impending layoffs and a possible takeover cast a pall over the festivities. 64. The first the trainer knew of the impending purchase was when a fax from Minton was found in his office last Wednesday. 65. If they are left unaware of impending judgment they will not appreciate the significance of salvation. 66. Michael said it might help warn of a large impending earthquake by detecting foreshocks. 67. On Saturday, Belgrade was awash in rumors of impending concessions from the government. 68. An index with cards for species brought order to impending chaos. 69. This tendency to associate - designed to warn us of impending danger-can in fact work against us. 70. It was this radar-like scanning of the night around him, which warned him of a new impending danger. 71. The news of his impending death had badly ruffled his composure. 72. Alarmists see the overcapacity as a sign of impending depression. 73. And it did more for baseball than the impending labor agreement we keep hearing about. 74. Recently a self-styled young adults' lobby called Third Millennium hit on a provocative way to explain the impending Medicare crisis. 75. Fear is an emotional state of mind, caused by a sense of impending danger or pain. 76. They have been warning of impending water shortages in the worst affected areas for more than six months. 77. Both catch the film's elegiac mood, bathed in southern sunshine but overhung with impending death. 78. They have lost no time in sounding the alarm about an impending famine, which they say threatens 1.9m people. 79. Rows of bushes along the road, darkened by impending dusk, were clenching inward like fists. 80. She met with her husband to discuss their impending divorce. 81. Rumours about impending changes will occur anyway,[http:///impending.html] and staff not fully informed are likely to fear the worst. 82. An impending thirtieth birthday and a two and a half year-old daughter called Sophie haven't turned her fashion tastes one whit. 83. She must get him on to his feet and down from the high moor before the impending storm. 84. Capability is not a feeling you get, and you rather feel, even from the beginning, an impending danger. 85. Her independence was further underlined by an impending marriage, news of which she now shared with Taheb. 86. When they want to see fees generally jacked up, we get talk of impending evictions. 87. Dock strikes were occurring and a general strike was clearly impending. 88. He realised the impending danger and looked up the road where he saw a Morris Minor coming down the hill. 89. The impending retirement of Mr Arias, Nobel prize winner and the main motivator, has increased uncertainty. 90. It looked as if a bull had been turned loose, and a sense of impending doom gripped her.