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61. This is the challenge of growing variegated plants, i. e. sometimes only few flowers have variegation and the rest is one color. 62. Butterfly bettas have the mutant gene that causes variegated fins with a very specific fin pattern. 63. Resembling a work of modern art, variegated green crop circles cover what was once shortgrass prairie in south-western Kansas. 64. Single cerise. Crown variegated green and cream, girl foliage. Miniature. 65. Late season application delays ripening and results in variegated - unripe grades. 66. Semidouble - double royal blue - purple. TL variegated medium green, plain, heart - shaped, glossy. Standard. 67. TL variegated medium green and white, heart - shaped, serrated, girl foliage. Semiminiature. 68. Crown variegated medium green and yellow, plain , ovate. Standard trailer. 69. Semidouble dark blue. TL variegated, heart - shaped , serrated. Semiminiature. 70. Double pink with fuchsia edge over dark green variegated foliage. Miniature. 71. Semidouble dark red pansy. TL variegated medium - dark green and white. Semiminiature. 72. It's little wonder that from this vibrant and variegated culture, a new American literature has sprung. 73. TL variegated medium green and white , quilted , scalloped, girl foliage. Semiminiature. 74. They are also found in the non - chlorophyllous tissues of variegated leaves. 75. Semidouble dark blue - violet pansy. Variegated medium green, plain. Standard. 76. Old World gooselike duck slightly larger than a mallard with variegated mostly black-and-white plumage and a red bill. 77. Semidouble blue star. Variegated green and white, plain ,[http:///variegated.html] ovate . Semiminiature. 78. The results will be a glowing, variegated, indirectly lit interior space, vaulting up 12-stories to a glass oculus roof which is also in the intersecting circle motif. 79. TL variegated medium green, plain, heart - shaped, glossy. Standard. 80. Semidouble wine frilled pansy. Variegated dark green, pink and tan , plain, heart - shaped , pointed. Large. 81. On the inkstone often the paragenesis grain dizzies, enters the water variegated. 82. Double dark pink star. Variegated medium - dark green and white, quilted. Semiminiature. 83. Flowers on variegated branches yield offspring that have variegated foliage.