快好知 kuaihz

31, Individual predisposition Psychological factors Most researchers have concluded that the premorbid personality is characterised by substantial emotional instability. 32, On their predisposition to the possibility of it working. 33, a genetic predisposition to liver disease. 34, This predisposition may bespeak a different mentality. 35, Shared biologic predisposition may also play a major role. 36, The cause is unknown, there could be a genetic predisposition that is triggered by an infection, for instance German measles is thought to trigger type 1 diabetes in some people. 37, His father, with whom he was very close, died of heart disease at 58. Kurzweil inherited his father's genetic predisposition; he also developed Type 2 diabetes when he was 35. 38, In the case of "proclivity" it might run something along the lines of "an inclination or predisposition toward something." 39, This group of patents has remarkable predisposition to autoimmunity and the diagnosis of autoimmune enteropathy should be considered in such cases. 40, Isolation of pathogenetic fungi of cyclamen stem wilt have been done and predisposition tested. 41, It's also possible, he said, that those who died had an underlying genetic predisposition or condition. 42, The formula, the predisposition of raw and processed materials and the quality standard are discussed. 43, Genetic predisposition is by far the most common cause of baldness. 44, However, there is increasingly strong evidence of a genetic predisposition to scleroderma. 45, Genetic predisposition seems to be part of the answer, at least in some people. 46, Familial aggregation of POAG patients suggests that genetic factor plays a vital role in POAG predisposition. 47, This might indicate a predisposition to elevated mood and mania, they speculate. 48, Dr. Rosales lists environmental risks that increase predisposition to PD. 49, Individual fish have a genetic predisposition to be male or female, but that can be overridden by hormone signaling. 50, But for individual gene and psyche predisposition, mental stress is not sure to cause CHD. 51, Human essential hypertension is a complex polygenetic disorder which is thought to be determined by complex interactions between genetic predisposition and environmental factors. 52, The most common form, atopic eczema, is seen in people with a predisposition to allergies, like hay fever or asthma. 53, The main photograph in the public domain shows a cherubic, smiling 11-year-old with a predisposition for his father's chubbiness. 54, Members of the house who show a predisposition for illusion are often trained as phantasmists. 55, Nei larger than 5 millimeters are congenital nei and are most probably associated with genetic predisposition. 56, The finding, in a study in Norway, suggests strongly that there are genetic factors, passed on by fathers and mothers, that create a predisposition to breech birth. 57, So even if the dictionary tells you that proclivity means a predisposition, it doesn't tell you that most people use proclivity when talking with light disapproval...or is that winking approval? 58, Fallen ones display no obvious tendency towards greater organization beyond their predisposition to swarm. 59, Perhaps a genetic predisposition for absolute pitch is more common among Asian populations. 60, This group of patients has remarkable predisposition to autoimmunity and the diagnosis of autoimmune enteropathy should be considered in such cases.