快好知 kuaihz

1. Barrow was positively obsequious to me until he learnt that I too was the son of a labouring man. 2. She is almost embarrassingly obsequious to anyone in authority. 3. The salesman's obsequious manner was beginning to irritate me. 4. The waiter was polite and efficient, but not obsequious. 5. In fact, the letter is almost obsequious. 6. Their obsequious praise demands a rebuttal; because really, Mimic is pretty mediocre, even for a B-movie. 7. We strive like obsequious morticians to provide consolation by enshrining a corpse. 8. All this obsequious praise for his actions is enough to make most normal people sick. 9. So marble halls, crystal chandeliers, obsequious waiters were going to be in. 10. In a court in which obsequious obedience to the monarch was the rule. 11. Perhaps television was just too obsequious towards leaders to be revealing. 12. Chandler's weasel face screwed into an obsequious smile. 13. No, let me be obsequious in thy heart. 14. He is obsequious to men in power. 15. He is an obsequious shop owner. 16. The secretary is exceedingly obsequious to the manager. 17. She is an obsequious shop owner. 18. He was obsequious to his superiors, but he didn't get any favor. 19. The landladies paid court to her, in the obsequious way landladies have. 20. No nonsense about emotions, nostalgia or image. No obsequious talk to persuade Swedes in doubt. 21. Schopenhauer has come up with the aesthetics category of "obsequious beauty" between concinnity and magnificence, which is a great contribution to the classification of the pattern of beauty he does. 22. He looked at the two ladies with an obsequious air. 23. Eldest son one's life life is to listen, obsequious, but finally however risk danger in desperation. 24. Don't toady to or be obsequious to rich or powerful people. 25. The manager's obsequious assistant annoyed the other employees in the department. 26. The obsequious brush curtails truth deference to the canvas which is narrow. 27. As it was, he was forced to his usual obsequious tolerance. 28. Mrs Bay, thighs clasped close against her body, displayed a shamelessly obsequious air as she watched the mystical deliberations. 29. Matrons, millionaires, educators, journalists, coachmen all bowed to him in obsequious homage. 30. And while he should have known better than provide an opportunity for obsequious and self-righteous compassion, his remark did point to a fundamental truth of investing.