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full time造句
61. Annual premiums for family coverage eclipsed the gross earnings for a full time, minimum wage worker ($10, 712) per year. 62. However, as indicated above, if, in fact, you do work full time for more than a year in CPT you may not be allowed to do the additional one year of OPT after you graduate. 63. Currently is a full time Yoga teacher and holding international Yoga teaching certificate and also international children Yoga teaching certificate. 64. According to the UNFC constitution, a member organization's top leader can only be in the political leading body, not being able to devote full time to the duties in the alliance. 65. Customer service is complete, with full time technical staff just a call away! 66. As Chinas leading service provider we achieve group turnover of 20 mio USD ex factory in 2009 with a multiline sales force of 190 full time equivalent covering while China. 67. I will first start the company as a part time job until I have enough customers to start working full time. 68. A master's degree generally take takes 2 to 3 years of 4 times full time study. 69. Full time study also exposes students to the rich cultural environment at Fudan University. 70. The workload you have completed as a part-timer amounts to a full time job.