快好知 kuaihz

31. I chose now to live retired , frugal, and within ourselves. 32. The frugal consumer has become a concern as investors worry a strong economic recovery will be impossible without improved discretionary spending. 33. Some of the world's most famous economists were famously frugal. 34. What's more, whereas America has a negative savings rate and its citizens are neck-deep in debt, the Japanese have remained fanatical savers, frugal to a fault. 35. Such a frugal mind-set could take the edge off any recovery. 36. He was a VIP, but he had a frugal life. 37. One reason for this success might be that in natural environments cues tend to be linked, so an exhaustive search may not provide much more useful information than a fast and frugal search. 38. The family sat down to table, and a frugal meal of cold viands was deposited beforethem. 39. Chef Tony Says: Be frugal! Use the yucky orange-colored oil when cooking for children or those with a severe head cold. 40. That means massive private retrenchment, with corporations particularly frugal at the moment. 41. The Chinese people are industrious ; frugal , intelligent and quick to learn. 42. A typical Swiss is hardworking, frugal and neat. Swiss society is stable and orderly, the people are law-abiding and self-disciplined . 43. For many people, thrift stores offer an easy way to delve into frugal fashion. 44. "Not at all, " said Teddy. "You've always been frugal. I think frugality runs in your family. You should buy it before another frenetic art lover snatcher it up. " 45. Consider how much more frugal the poor are than we, how much better they forebear hardship. 46. If you're looking for a more frugal material, you can use paper, raffia, jute twine, mini pine cones, seeds, hard candies or crafter's dried fruit or flowers, fabric, twigs, pine or bark. 47. No matter what a person's income bracket is, most can usually find a way to cut back on frivolous spending, just like a few frugal billionaires. 48. People new to frugal living always seem to tackle their food bill first. 49. Thus the crisis punishes the frugal more than the profligate. 50. His wife is a frugal [ thrifty ] housekeeper . 51. Be frugal. Stop buying brand name clothes and fancy foods. Stop drinking lattes. Don't takeout. 52. Fortunately, she's not giving cars yet, but I've discovered the tooth fairy I know is pretty frugal compared to most. 53. Clearly, thiswas a fellow cut from the same cloth as my own frugal heart. We talked aboutways to save money for a few minutes. 54. 'I'm very frugal, ' he added. 'That house kind of makes me look the other way ... now that money is so tight I squeeze every penny.' 55. As far as oil energy is concerned, we cannot be too frugal.