clarification造句31. If requested, a participating State will provide appropriate clarification regarding its implementation of the Code.
32. I am simply seeking clarification of the regulations for future reference.
33. I sought clarification on a point he had made at the press conference.
34. He borrowed my cyrillic typewriter and wrote a long letter to Minister of Culture Demichev, seeking clarification of the position.
35. Read 2-106 and call me back later if anything needs clarification.
36. None the less there remain a number of common misapprehensions that need constant clarification.
37. They are metaphors, figures of speech that describe one thing in terms of something else for purposes of clarification.
38. The amateur crypto-hackers challenge each statement, asking for clarification, mulling it over until each understands.
39. When a complaint is received the committee generally seeks further clarification from the firm.
40. Integrating services - Another set of advantages was the identification of key workers and clarification of their roles.
41. A clarification of what society expects of directors might nevertheless be of some value in combination with other measures.
42. However, there are some matters on which we will seek clarification or assurance.
43. Another Republican Education Department document, published in 1970, offers further clarification.
44. In addition, the clarification of such issues could well provide the initial stimulus for a whole school language policy.
45. But here, too, he employs the strategy of delaying clarification.
46. Listed below are suggested rules of scholarship for either process of doing sociology to achieve the clarification goal.
47. The sponsors of Proposition 218 are acknowledging that the complex initiative needs clarification and fine-tuning.
47.try its best to gather and build good sentences.
48. This egregious nonsequitur requires further clarification, if only for your myriad younger readers.
49. Seeking clarification from one who should know, we are told that Mr Smith is short on pessimism.
50. The fact that seeking clarification is so prevalent reminds us what a potentially confusing behaviour building can be.
51. Please advise me if you require further clarification of any of these matters.
52. Apart from the ultimate uses of his work, its intended purpose is clarification.
53. Not surprisingly, what an existentialist account of existence does not provide is a clarification of the conditions of objectivity.
54. This will involve some such task as giving an explanation of difficulties, requesting clarification, writing an apology, etc.
55. Two elements in this brief require a little further discussion and clarification.
56. The process of confirmation and clarification attempts to solve both problems.
57. I called to get clarification on what she had done and to get some tips on surviving the audit.
58. The most important thing is to stay calm, give yourself time to think and ask for clarification if necessary.
59. He had already seen the report on the X-ray done at Drymen, and had requested clarification of one point.
60. Mark passages to which you want to refer or where you wish to seek clarification.