encompass造句31. Contemporary public health must therefore encompass the interrelated tasks of reducing social and health inequalities and achieving health-sustaining environments.
32. They also have a similar technical approach in the use of superimposed images which encompass more than one viewpoint and stimulate ideas.
33. In 1992 support activities have extended to encompass all areas of the voluntary sector from the Arts to Zoological research.
34. Its borders encompass vast forests, towering mountains, and many miles of wilderness as well as cities, farmlands, and bountiful rivers.
35. But if each word stands for a whole concept and its many connotations, then a unique seven-word sentence can encompass much.
36. By the 1930s Storni had gained sufficient independence to allow her poetic vision to encompass the world of objects around her.
37. Corporate Programmes encompass two areas of tailored programmes for companies.
38. The context of anthropology is that of a discourse that attempts to generalize and encompass other discourses, such as those of myth-telling.
39. They encompass all kinds of visual material and account for both the aesthetic and non-aesthetic response.
40. The union convened in 1873 in Cincinnati and quickly grew to encompass one hundred synagogues, half the national total.
41. The Mormon commonwealth grew to encompass a far-flung but tightly integrated network of planned towns.
42. At least the house's symmetrical plan made it easy to encompass.
43. What concentrates as a cup of water generates and extends to encompass all forms of aquatic life and articles of value.
44. The nationalist presses the case to encompass all the world's people.
45. Global brotherhood is much easier to encompass.
46. The flow diagram should encompass an additional page.
47. The sounds of life encompass his path.
48. WWII COMBATIVES. What the hell does that really encompass?
49. True love encompass a commitment and must be mutual.
50. It's such a creative outlet to try to encompass all those moving parts.
51. For Dillon, it seems to encompass everything from frank delusion to psychosomatic symptoms to psychological responses to organic illness, taking in depression and body dysmorphia along the way.
52. With BPEL, you can describe a long-running, multistep process of a business transaction using activities to encompass atomic transactions for individual process steps.
53. Note that these contours do not encompass the crack tip.
54. For example, nutcrackers have phenomenal memories that encompass thousands of food cache locations,[/encompass.html] a capacity that would challenge most humans.
55. Meant to encompass the notion that sex plays a powerful role in life, be it for good or for evil.
56. Agalmatophilia may also encompass Pygmalionism which describes a state of love for an object of one's own creation.
57. A regional network may encompass a metropolitan area; a state; or, in a few cases, several neighboring states.
58. This definition attempts to encompass all of the various cloud approaches.
59. By summer, spots will expand to encompass the entire dunes.
60. Set the Pen Tool (P) to Paths in the options bar, then draw a closed path to encompass the model as indicated in yellow.