paradigm造句31. Either Mrs David has had an enormous impact on her countrymen or a major paradigm shift has occurred.
32. A smaller structure makes it easier to make the transition to a new organizational paradigm.
33. Much of modern sociology lacks a paradigm and consequently fails to qualify as science.
34. Puzzles that resist solution are seen as anomalies rather than as falsifications of a paradigm.
35. Although they embody a real-world claim about how agents are motivated, they function more like a paradigm than a generalization.
36. Any anomalies tend to be accommodated by the ruling paradigm, rather than challenging it.
37. This new paradigm has enabled the development of highly structured and usually brief interventions in many areas of individual emotional problems.
38. The thing that brings a paradigm shift to its turning point is a war between the poles of the incumbent paradigm.
39. The transmutation of base metal to gold was the paradigm of this sacred task.
40. A paradigm tells us what things are like, how the world is, and how we should comport ourselves in it.
41. Within this paradigm, the two main criticisms levelled at mainstream Hollywood films are tokenism and homophobia.
42. Different scientists or groups of scientists may well interpret and apply the paradigm in a somewhat different way.
43. Scientists even begin to express openly their discontent with and unease over the reigning paradigm.
44. Kuhn's own account of science entails that what is to count as a problem is paradigm or community dependent.
44. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday!
45. A paradigm example of this is the vexed question of spatial visualisation.
46. These two aspects together dictate the specific characteristics of a given model, or paradigm.
47. In my judgment, this is the paradigm of a case of unjust enrichment.
48. The old organizational paradigm encouraged employees to view themselves as the occupants of a box called a job.
49. While often the caption is the target node name, sometimes an attractive caption does not fit the semantic net paradigm.
50. Leaving the peasants in the dark From multi-sectoral operational components to the cross-cultural implementation of paradigm shifts.
51. When this happens, there is a scientific revolution and the old paradigm is replaced with a new one.
52. Lindsey also finds that citation counts favour the scientist doing work in the mainstream or dominant paradigm.
53. The paradigm sets the standards for legitimate work within the science it governs.
54. Only yesterday, or so it seems, Wall Street equity analysts almost unanimously acclaimed a new economic paradigm.
55. After all it's not every day you get caught up in a paradigm shift.
56. The relativist paradigm of the twentieth century has determined the form of our avant-garde literature.
57. Futurists call this kind of fundamental transformation a paradigm shift, although the term is now a misused buzzword for any change.
58. And as no-one takes the paradigm seriously, no-one is troubled to try to find an explanation for the seemingly anomalous data.
59. We intend to develop an object-based paradigm for the processing of geographical data types, within a relational framework.
60. The currently dominant paradigm throughout urban and regional sociology gives prime emphasis to class relations and processes.