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by reference造句
31. The remaining type of clause is that which limits liability by reference to an overall monetary figure. 32. With regard to the former, the approach typically involves an existing subject matter by reference to its position in time and space. 33. Confidence intervals for incidence rates were assessed by reference to the Poisson distribution. 34. To some extent the charge of inflexibility can also be countered by reference to the provisions sanctioning exception from the National Curriculum. 35. Sir Gordon Willmer also proceeded by reference to the breach of undertaking. 36. This means that stamp duty is assessed by reference to the highest ascertainable rent which might become payable under the lease. 37. Reasons of that level can themselves be justified by reference to the deeper concerns on which they are based. 38. In contrast, the charter party bill of lading did not contain the charter party contract, but incorporated it by reference. 39. This point may be illustrated by reference to the following example. 40. Their critique is verifiable by reference to the tape recording of the interview. 41. Explain the potential significance of each factor, illustrating your answer by reference to products and/or markets of your own choice. 42. An artist's contribution now, he says, must be assessed by reference to his positioning within the process of production. 43. This can be best calculated by reference to accurate time-cost information. 44. The times of sunset and sunrise can be proved by reference to an almanac. 45. Perhaps I can confirm what he said by reference to one statistic. 46. The first is that this is a gap which must be filled by reference to the applicable law under general conflict-of-laws rules. 47. This part of the course is assessed by reference to the student's production of course work manifest in a course file. 48. We can illustrate this by reference to a basic and familiar area of human social experience, courtship and marriage. 49. Even where such material is not incorporated by reference apparently reference may still be made to it for contextual or confirmatory purposes. 50. Just how great the change has been is perhaps best illustrated by reference to the number of daily commuters into London. 51. If an architect examined a Gothic structure by reference to Grecian rules, he would find it a mass of deformities. 52. The explanation of micropolitical behavior by reference to personality is perhaps the most intriguing of the four sets of factors. 53. This is illustrated by reference to teachers' responses to various externally sponsored innovations and the teachers' pay dispute of 1985-86. 54. Alternatively, it may be possible, and preferable, to establish procedures to incorporate terms by reference on the telephone. 55. What are pass by reference and pass by value? 56. Reference types can be by value or by reference. 57. In WebLogic, you can enable call by reference on a bean-by-bean basis, but with WebSphere Application Server, you can enable call by reference at the container level. 58. With pass by value, any change to the parameter is not reflected in the calling routine. Those who have used pass by reference will probably find this confusing. 59. You passed a value by reference to a user - defined CLR operator. 60. The route is best seen by reference to the map.