d造句31. D H Lawrence immortalised her in his novel 'Women in Love'.
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt described the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1947 as 'a day that will live in infamy'.
33. Mr. Hughes's agency is one of 980 community agencies under the umbrella of the National Community Action Foundation in Washington, D.C.
34. A prothonotary warbler adds a splash of gold to a tableau of cherry blossoms along the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C.
35. Decide whether the ball is in square A, B, C, or D, then call and leave your answer.
36. The club also offers its congratulations to D. Brown on his appointment as president.
37. She went from a D in her mocks to a B in the real thing.
38. Butter, margarine, and oily fish are all good sources of vitamin D.
39. This special form of vitamin D is naturally present in breast milk.
40. Privatize the national parks? They d never dare, would they?
41. The morning paper carried a story about demonstrations in New York and Washington D.C.
42. The D metric is a computational convenience.
43. He had been a public corruption prosecutor, a D.C.
44. D"rrie is an important director in German cinema.
45. Paul D frowned but said nothing.
46. Classes D and E were not Considered for conversion.
47. Both groups had d power base of expertise.
48. Michael D.. McGinty, deputy chief of Air Force personnel.
49. David D. is always well briefed, usually good-humoured, though he was looking a little frayed by the small hours of Friday.
50. Note that both the l.e.d. and phototransistor are very directional - the tops are the sensitive surfaces.
51. With the half-stepping excitation scheme, for example, the pull-out torque is predicted precisely from the d.c. and fundamental current components.
52. Similar effects operate for d orbitals, but not for s orbitals, which have no orbital angular momentum.
53. D 2 D 2 shows the marginal benefit of purer water to the second individual.
54. It might also be worthwhile buying packs of d.i.l. integrated circuit holders, or bulk buying the smaller types.
55. Paul D blew warm breath into the hollow of his cupped hands.
56. The idea of a selfish herd is W. D. Hamilton's, and is perhaps best explained by his own imaginary example.
57. Franklin D.. Roosevelt was also elected in 1932 with a strong commitment to reduced expenditures and a balanced budget.
58. B then makes some computer chips and sells them to D, a trade supplier.
59. Vitamin D deficiency in this country is most often observed in institutionalized, elderly individuals.
60. He is the first commander-in-chief without active duty military experience since Franklin D.. Roosevelt.